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I will never do that!

I am concerned about this unprecedented level of opposition and populism. I believe that today the big battle in Bulgaria is between democrats and populists. Democrats believe in and upgrade the rule of law, values, institutions.

Populists know how to play with people’s fears and hopes and very often, unfortunately, promise unrealizable things. Populism is circulating in European capitals today. Unfortunately, it is becoming stronger in Bulgaria as well.

This was stated to bTV by the President for the period January 22, 2012 – January 22, 2017. Rosen Plevneliev.

He said he was doing everything a wise and successful president should do.

I am extremely proud to continue to be very active internationally. I am a member of several international organizations, working with people like Henry Kissinger and Gordon Brown.

I am an honorary professor at the largest Chinese university, which in itself is an achievement for Bulgaria, I recently gave lectures at Harvard.

I continue to be useful and work for the good name of Bulgaria, summed up Rosen Plevneliev.

I will never return to any political party, I will never make my own. I am infinitely proud to have good communication with hundreds of presidents, including talking to Obama, he was very interesting. I told him: “Barak, what are we doing after the end of the term?” And he answered me:

“Rosen, the list is very long of what you don’t do if you want to be loved by the people, a wise and successful president. You do not go back to business, to the parliament, you do not form a political party again “, concluded Rosen Plevneliev.

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