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“I take note of the decision”

Muriel Targnion, the mayor of Verviers, is excluded from the Socialist Party.

In its press release, the Socialist Party announces that This Wednesday, July 29, the National Vigilance Commission met to hear Muriel Targnion.

After receiving the interested party for more than an hour and after deliberation, the Commission considered that the repeated breaches alleged against Muriel Targnion had been established.

She therefore decided to exclude Muriel Targnion from the Socialist Party. The person concerned was informed of this decision. “

We were able to collect the reaction of Muriel Targnion who takes “act of this decision and [se] leave a few hours and time for reflection before reacting“.

The exclusion of the mayor of Verviers follows dissensions within the local municipal majority.

And essentially, within the local PS where Muriel Targnion and those who support her accused the president of the CPAS of Verviers, Hasan Aydin of going it alone and undermining municipal finances.

The PS Verviers split and Muriel Targnion decided like a very large part of his majority with the liberals to withdraw Hasan Aydin his presidency of the CPAS. The case went back to the presidency of the party which placed the local PS under supervision.

And obviously, the PS has chosen to support Hasan Aydin. The local PS is now cut in two and Verviers no longer has a majority to lead the city.
It is also very likely that the role played by Muriel Targnion in the Publifin affair where she was president of the Board of Directors and publicly supported Stéphane Moreau until the end, also weighed in her exclusion from the Socialist Party.

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