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I don’t like the first .. a world-class doctor who gives advice to increase focus

The problem of decreased focus is one of the biggest problems facing a large number of people and unfortunately the older a person grows, hope is always there. There are some steps you can take to improve your ability to concentration. –

Here are some of the strategies that Dr. Salinas W. recommendsNeurologist at Harvard Massachusetts General Hospital:

Track your lack of attention: Monitor situations when you lose concentrationFor example, when you read a passage from a book and feel less alert, make a mental note when this happens.

“Keeping a narrative can help get your attention, because it teaches you to be more attentive when it happens,” says Dr. Salinas. “Also, plan activities that require less focus during times when you know your attention is at its lowest.”

Practice mindfulness meditation: This type of meditation teaches you how to bring your thoughts back into the present when your mind has gone awry. This practice also helps manage anxiety and stress, which may contribute to a lack of focus, according to a study published in the April 2018 issue of Psychiatric Research. Yoga studios and community centers have meditation programs for beginners.

Stop distractions: Change the elements in your living space that grab your attention, such as equipment that makes noise or distracting lights, turn off notifications on your phone when you need to focus, and set up website blockers so that the Internet doesn’t tempt you.

Working in periods of time. Lots of research has suggested that working in short periods of time, with breaks in between, can help with focus. Because our attention tends to fade after a while. How long that period of time lasts depends on the person.

Some studies that look at work and classroom performance put the range in anywhere from 10 minutes to 52 minutes, try a time frame that works for you. “You should be able to find a range where your attention is at its peak,” says Dr. Salinas.

Brainstorm: Do more activities that include using executive function skills. “This language requires focus and attention, but is set up to show progress, encouragement, and help reduce stress.”

Review your medications: Certain medications, especially those used to treat sleep problems, anxiety, or pain, can make you feel sleepy or tired, note any relationship between taking medication and difficulty paying attention, and talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose or switching medication.

Watch your caffeine and sugar intake. Dr Salinas says that sudden highs and dips in blood sugar levels can affect attention.

“In general, focusing on eating more fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods while avoiding simple sugars can be enough to keep blood sugar levels more balanced,” he says. While a small amount of caffeine can give you a short-term mental boost, Eating too much can stimulate you, make you feel anxious or dizzy, and affect your ability to stay focused.

Track when and how your attention changes after consuming caffeinated beverages so you can make adjustments to your daily intake.

Stay social: Social engagement protects against loneliness, which can lead to depression, anxiety and stress, all of which can affect attention.

“Being social also helps with focus, as you have to listen to conversations and retain information,” says Dr. Salinas.

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