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“I carry this cross and I will carry it until the end!” “Transit” leader on country parties, fatal accident and connection with Sting

In honor of the conversation with the permanent leader of the band “Tranzit”, Ralf Ruben, I dressed up very appropriately – I can’t be white and it’s impossible. However, the musician’s intentions and the way he does his work are both pure and, most importantly, true.

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TVNET GROUP’s online magazine “Klik” continues the program series “Pop trips”, in which we look back at the most popular hits of Latvia of the last 20 years, inviting their performers to a conversation. This time we return to the world of dance music, when the group “Transit” was born in the 90s. In the conversation, of course, we highlighted the hit “I can’t be white”, which is still popular at parties, but another song of the group is worth mentioning.

Although Ralph has been interested in music since kindergarten, he is an agricultural engineer by education and has a passion for motorsports. In fact, as a result of an accident, he entered the music field. “I had an accident. With the insurance money, I could buy a new cylinder or a drum for my son to play tunes. The choice fell in favor of tunes,” says Ralph. Destiny? Judge for yourself.

Photo: Jānis Škapars/TVNET
Photo: Jānis Škapars/TVNET

The group “Tranzīts” (with the former name “PEA”) was created by Ralfs Rubenis and Aldis Zaļuksnis (Midis) in the mid-90s of the last century, but both went their separate ways after the release of the first album. After that, Ralf also wanted to say goodbye to the “Transit” name, but nothing. “I was told, you’re now known as ‘Transit,’ that’s it. That’s how I carry that cross and I’ll carry it until the end,” says Ralph.

Photo: Jānis Škapars/TVNET

Despite the fact that life experience wears us all down and, as Ralph himself admits, he has become more cynical, the musician continues to perform actively and is not ashamed to say that they are doing better than ever. But what are his future plans and what do they have to do with Sting – watch the full interview by subscribing to “Klik”!

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– 2024-04-15 21:20:56

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