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“I can’t calm down, I’ve been in tears for days”, what happened to him

The boy has decided to confide in his followers, showing all his excitement for a very special event that has happened in his life lately. The TV presenter and son of art, Paolo Ciavarro, said he immediately burst into tears when he realized what was happening to him. on the contrary, his partner, the influencer Clizia Incorvaia, managed to remain lucid and calm, without letting the same emotionality of him leak out. The young man is best known as the son of the famous actor Massimo Ciavarro and actress Eleonora Giorgi. A handsome and charming boy, who expresses the same beauty of his family when his members show themselves together in the photos.

Over time, the son of art Paolo Ciavarro has managed to find his place on the small screen: first as a competitor in some programs, then as a guest and finally as a host. He has participated in several projects including: Beijing Express, GF VIP e Friends. From 2013 onwards the young Ciavarro has obtained a large following and has grown a lot from a professional point of view, until his last television appearance as a protagonist, in the radio program broadcast in 2020, Down in 60 seconds. Paolo Ciavarro, despite being the son of illustrious and very famous personalities, such as Eleonora Giorgi and Massimo Ciavarro, managed to make himself known to the general public thanks to his participation as a competitor in the Big Brother Vipin the 2020 edition, where he tied more and more with the beautiful Clizia Incorvaia until the two young people fell madly in love.

And if anyone had doubts that their story could last even outside the reality show, Paolo and Clizia have shown that theirs is a strong and sincere love. So much so that they appeared together again this year at Big Brother Vip, not only to communicate to everyone that their first child would be born within a few days, but also to send a message of love and hope to the current competitors who are in the most spied house in Italy. And speaking of this, Paolo was unable to hold back his tears for an event that deeply upset him. The birth of little Gabriele represented a unique emotion for him. Perhaps Clizia, already the mother of little Nina Sarcina had by her ex-husband Francesco, as well as leader of the band Le Vibrazioni, was already prepared for this type of emotion, but for Paolo it was a completely new sensation.

“For me it was a strong feeling, unique and inimitable”said the host with tears in his eyes. “Clizia, on the other hand, seems to have managed to contain all her emotionality for this special event”he later added. I can’t calm down and I’ve been in tears for days “he then concluded. “I will never forget the radiant face of the new mother when I entered the delivery room”he confessed in front of the cameras very true. “It seemed she was ready to go out to dinner”, says speaking with the host of the program Silvia Toffanin. Finally she concluded by saying: “As soon as I saw Gabriele, I immediately burst into tears”. In short, Paolo Ciavarro is happier than ever thanks to the birth of his little Gabriele and this new experience as a parent who will have to live for the rest of his life together with his beloved Clizia.

READ ALSO: Clizia Incorvaia, after years the truth comes out: because it ended with Francesco Sarcina

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