Home » today » News » Hurricane gusts of up to 120 km / h: tornado alarm in the east! Storm reaches its peak – meteorology

Hurricane gusts of up to 120 km / h: tornado alarm in the east! Storm reaches its peak – meteorology

The first autumn storm of the year hit eastern Germany in the afternoon. The strongest winds are also expected here: hurricane gusts of up to 120 km / h occur. It cannot be ruled out that short-lived tornadoes will occur when the thunderstorms pass.

In the afternoon there are more showers in East Germany and also individual thunderstorms. Hurricane gusts of up to 120 km / h threaten the showers and thunderstorms, and 160 km / h are possible over the mountains. It is important to avoid forests, parks and of course the mountains, because there is an acute danger from falling trees.

Roof tiles can also come loose and fall off in settlements. Staying outdoors should be avoided! Windows and doors should also remain closed for safety.

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In the east of the country, so-called low-top supercells, or mini-supercells, can form in the afternoon. Should a mini super cell actually develop, it could produce a short-lived tornado. This cannot be predicted with a high degree of certainty, but there is an increased risk of tornados in the afternoon

Storm is leaving, but it remains dangerous

But there is also good news: By 6 p.m. the worst will be over. In the west the wind has been decreasing since midday and in the east the wind is then weakening in the late afternoon and evening.

It is still windy at first, but the night is relatively calm. On Friday there will be new showers and thunderstorms from the North Sea and the wind will also pick up again. There is polar cold air from the north, with which there are also individual gusts of wind. There is no new storm, but you should still not enter forests and mountains. Because many trees could be cracked and topple over when the wind freshened up again.

Risk of storm surge on the North Sea coasts

On the North Sea coast there will be storm surges on Thursday and maybe also on Friday. However, the wind eases from Saturday and calmer high pressure weather sets in.

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The original for this post “Tornado alarm in the east! Storm reaches its climax” comes from The Weather Channel.

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