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Humberto Tan feels less confident after the end of RTL Late Night | NOW

Humberto Tan feels less confident since he was forced to say goodbye to his talk show in 2018 RTL Late Night. That’s what the presenter said on Sunday Summer guests.

In the intro, presenter Janine Abbring called 56-year-old Tan “more confident than ever”, because he is now firmly back in the saddle. “I don’t know if that is the case,” Tan responded. “I may be less confident. You always get a bruise. I think I’m more careful now than I was then with some of the decisions I make. But it’s also good, isn’t it, it’s also cathartic. I don’t mind. I have less bravado.”

Later in Summer guests asked Abbring if Tan felt “a loser” when his program ended. “Loser maybe not, because there were also four years before that were very successful,” he replied. “I felt really bad. But not a loser. I felt I had the ball in my hands and I somehow let it fall. I felt that.”

The presenter puts the blame on himself. “Eventually I sit at that table and you try to make something out of it. Of course there are always circumstances that have to do with it. When things went well, it was about me. But you also have to stand in front of the troops when things don’t go well like a minister. That’s what you get paid for.”

Tan went to coach after end Late Night

After the end of Late Night Tan talked to a coach. “I have shown my vulnerability, my sadness. It does have a price, a huge price in fact. At the same time it makes no sense to linger in that misery. You have to move forward. It makes no sense at all to go to Jan , Piet or Kees. That’s not going to change the fact. The question is: what are you going to do about it?”

Abbring also briefly mentioned Tan’s alleged affair. According to Tan, that had no influence on the end of Late Night. “That story… The ratings had already started the decline. So that had nothing to do with it.”

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