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Huge Smoke Cloud from Canadian Forest Fires Reaches Sweden: SMHI Confirms

SMHI: Huge smoke pours into Sweden

A thick cloud of smoke moved in over Sweden on Thursday.

That’s according to Helene Wylde Alpfjord, an expert at SMHI, who confirmed on Thursday that the smoke from the extreme forest fires in Canada would reach Sweden before the weekend.

– The particles are now traveling high up in the atmosphere, so we probably won’t see such high levels of air pollution at ground level, she tells Dagens Nyheter.

“Code Red”

At the beginning of the month, it was reported how the smoke from the very powerful forest fires also fell over American territory.

Among other things, remarkable images were spread of how New York City had been put in a reddish half-darkness due to the smoke.

For a couple of days, the city’s residents breathed the world’s worst air.

In Philadelphia, authorities issued a “code red” and urged people to stay indoors.

– About 75 million people in the United States are experiencing hazardous air conditions due to smoke from wildfires, CNN reported on June 8.

At high altitude

Sweden and the rest of Europe are too far from the core of the fires for the air to be as badly affected as in North America.

The fact that the smoke is at a higher altitude also contributes to more favorable conditions for the population in this part of the world.

– This means that it will look more like a hazy sky with red-orange sunsets, emphasizes Copernicus, the EU’s climate monitoring service, to Politico.

Serious emissions

In contrast, carbon dioxide emissions are directly alarming, affecting the entire planet.

– We are already seeing the highest measured levels of carbon dioxide ever, says Mark Perrington to DN.

He has been researching specifically the fires in Canada through his role as a senior scientist at the Copernicus Atomosphere Monitoring Service.

Passed Spain

Already a few days ago, the smoke swept in over Portugal and Spain.

– A haze was visible over the northwest Spanish coast in Vigo on Monday, Fox reported earlier this week.

The smoke cloud is expected to stay in Europe until Friday and then blow on.

Archive photo: L. Flynt

Text: The editors

2023-06-30 21:44:02
#SMHI #Huge #smoke #pours #Sweden

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