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Huawei Invests USD 1 Billion for the Development of Electric and Autonomous Cars

Jakarta, Selular.ID – Huawei is struggling with the smartphone business due to an embargo from the United States. However, Huawei continues to move and it is reported that they will focus on developing electric vehicles and autonomous cars.

According to a Bloomberg report, for this latest project Huawei will invest USD 1 billion for research and development of this technology.

However, Huawei has clarified that they do not plan to build their own car. Rather, they only supply the technology they make to car manufacturers.

Therefore, Huawei has formed partnerships with three car manufacturers, BAIC Group, Chongqing Changan Automobile and Ghuangzhou Automobile Group.

Chairman of Huawei, Eric Xu also revealed that the car that will be launched will carry the Huawei name as a sub-brand.

Huawei’s autonomous car technology has surpassed Tesla in several technological aspects. For example, a car can travel up to a distance of 1,000 kilometers without human intervention at all.

“The smart car business unit received one of the toughest investments from Huawei. We will invest more than $ 1 billion in auto component development this year, ”Xu said.

Huawei has launched smart car connectivity and entertainment technology products that can be found in Mercedes-Benz.

Apart from Huawei, other technology giants such as Apple and Xiaomi have also targeted to enter the automotive industry, especially electric cars and autonomous cars.

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