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Huancayo: Oxygen plants were transferred to the provinces of Huancayo and J

Written by Thalia Vivanco

Yesterday, at the Francisco Carlé de Jauja airport a plane from the Peruvian Air Force arrived bringing two medicinal oxygen plants that the Archbishopric of Huancayo and the Integration Table of Reflection for Peace (Mirapaz) acquired. The 10 m3 capacity oxygen plant was taken to Domingo Olavegoya and the other 20 m3 plant to the Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital. According to the technicians of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), the installation of the infrastructures will take between 12 to 15 days.

The auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Huancayo Monsignor Carlos Salcedo Ojeda held a mass and blessed the two plants with medicinal oxygen. “We thank Cardinal Pedro Barreto Jimeno for leading this campaign for the benefit of people who, because of COVID-19, lack oxygen to continue living,” he said.

He added that several commissions were formed to organize the solidarity campaign “I want to live, I lack oxygen” in order to guarantee the supply of the input for patients with COVID-19.

Authorities arrive to receive plants

In turn, the representative of Mirapaz, Luis Samaniego, stressed that solidarity prevailed in difficult times due to COVID-19.

On the other hand, the president of the Caja Huancayo Jorge Solís criticized the inaction of the authorities against the coronavirus. “They have not had clear policies, now this invisible enemy has hit the health and economy of people who are crossing the thin line of poverty and extreme poverty. Our institution financed the cost of a medicinal oxygen plant, so let’s keep making the effort to raise funds, ”he said.

Meanwhile, the regional governor of Junín Fernando Orihuela Rojas thanked the people and institutions that made the dream of having two oxygen plants come true, in turn to the Church for leading the campaign. “We will stop depending on the companies that profit from the sale of oxygen. Prices have increased. Before the pandemic the cubic meter of oxygen was S / 8, now they intend to sell at S / 20 and S / 30 ”, he pointed out. He added that the Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital invests one million soles per year and the Domingo Olavegoya Hospital spends half a million soles. “Now to meet the demand, the Carrión must spend four times its budget, the same as the Jauja hospital, he remarked.

Assembly and operation

The director of the Jauja Health Network, Lourdes Ayala Díaz explained that in 15 days the Archdiocese of Huancayo will deliver a component that fills oxygen cylinders (booster) to make them work. “Today they will begin with the assembly of the oxygen plant by a technical group of the Seralt company with the support of the staff of the Olavegoya Hospital,” he said. She added that, on Monday, the team of engineers from the UNCP and the Catholic will arrive for supervision.

In addition, the GRJ announced that the facilities for the plants in the two hospitals are being finished and coordinated with Electrocentro for electrical energy.

Finally, the Archdiocese reported that, when the oxygen plants are operational, the respective cancellation will be made and then with the presence of a notary public the donation of the infrastructures will be made officially.

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