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How volcanoes work until they explode, here you go!

The functioning of a volcano will go through several stages. Volcanoes will erupt in their own way. When it has passed all stages, the volcano will release materials from its stomach.

Volcano is a term for a mountain that has an active state. Those belonging to volcanoes can erupt at any time ejecting material from the Earth.

In order to erupt, these mountains have their own way of working. Which ones are they?

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How do volcanoes work until they erupt?

Volcanic eruptions often occur in Indonesia. This event can only occur in still active volcanoes.

This is because Indonesia has many volcanic lines. This makes volcanic activity in Indonesia quite active.

Of course the mountain will not suddenly erupt. There is a separate work process that occurs sequentially so that a rash occurs.

Basically, the functioning of the stages of this volcanic eruption can be explained naturally by the natural sciences.

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Phases of volcanic eruption

Active volcanoes have their own process of removing the material. There are 3 stages of the process or how they work before finally breaking out.

Here are the 3 stages.

  1. Magma sediments in the stomach of the Earth

The first stage is that the volcano will store magma deposits in the bowels or core of the Earth. Magma itself is a molten rock that has a hot temperature.

Liquid magma can form due to the hot temperature in the Earth’s core.

  1. High pressure gas appears

So the next way the volcano works is to have high pressure gas. The heat inside the Earth will melt the rocks that make up the layers.

When the rock melts, there will be gas that mixes with the magma at a depth of between 60 and 160 km below the earth’s surface.

  1. Pushing out the magma

The presence of high-pressure gas in the bowels of the Earth will therefore push the magma gradually onto the Earth’s surface.

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Types of volcanic eruptions

Each volcano also has a different type of eruption. Volcanic eruptions are explosive or not.

The explosive power of the mountain will depend on the composition of the magma they have. There are two types of volcanic eruptions, namely:

  • Eruptions with thin and watery magma. This means that the magma that will come out of it will be thin and even watery, the gas can also easily escape from the bowels of the Earth so that there are no large explosions.
  • Eruption with thick and sticky magma. That is, this rash is included in the type of explosive which is quite dangerous. This can happen because the gas cannot escape easily so it builds up and explodes violently.

These are the 3 ways that volcanoes work to remove their material from the bowels of the Earth so that there is an explosion or an eruption. (R10 / HR-Online)

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