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How to Whiten Toddler Skin With Safe Natural Ingredients | Kabarmaya.co.id

Every baby born has a different natural skin color, but of course you want your little one to have bright and clean skin. In some cases, babies have fair skin at birth, but after 3 years their skin becomes darker. To solve this problem, many parents have taken various mengambil how to whiten toddler skin to restore the original skin color.

Factors Affecting Baby’s Skin Color

  1. DNA

DNA is the body’s genetic material that everyone inherits from their parents. When the baby is in the womb, the genes of the mother and father are combined. Human DNA is divided into a total of 46 chromosomes. Babies inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent, and experts say the 46 human chromosomes carry between 60 and 100,000 genes.

Despite the many combinations of genes, this means each pair can produce up to 64 trillion babies that look different. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict a child’s physique in the future, including skin color. But in fact, melanin and pigments passed down from the mother can determine the color of the baby’s skin.

  1. Melanin

Melanin is a skin pigment that determines the various colors of human skin. The more melanin in the skin, the darker the skin tone. Parental genes will determine the amount of melanin in the baby. For example, if the father and mother have different skin pigments, the more genes are usually passed to the child.

  1. Estrogen and Progesterone Hormones

The color of the baby’s skin can also be determined by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Both of these hormones affect the production of melanocytes in the skin, estrogen gives a darker skin tone and progesterone gives a lighter skin tone.

The body contains melanocytes which regulate the mix of estrogen and progesterone. There are also two hormone-like molecules that can lighten or darken the skin without affecting the rest of the body.

  1. Environmental factor

In addition to internal factors, there are also external factors that affect the color of the baby’s skin. External factors These include sun exposure, exposure to dust and pollution, hygiene, allergies, and exposure to chemicals that can cause skin damage.

Unlike adults, children have a layer of skin cells that are still very thin compared to adults because the formation of cells is still not perfect. So several external factors in between can affect the production of melanin and the color of your baby’s skin.

Natural Ingredients To Whiten Baby’s Skin

  1. Yogurt, Tomato and Oatmeal

If your little one’s skin looks rough and dark, you can mix yogurt, tomato extract, and oatmeal and apply it on your little one’s skin to lighten it. Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene which can increase skin protection, stimulate collagen production, and increase skin cell turnover.

Yogurt is also known as an ingredient that can nourish the skin so it is smoother and softer, just like oatmeal which can also help brighten the skin. You can use just one ingredient if you don’t have the others.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel

Although aloe vera gel does not change skin tone, it contains substances that increase blood flow to skin cells, preventing hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration, and applying aloe vera to the skin can help keep the skin clean so it will look brighter and whiter.

  1. Coconut Oil or Olive Oil

Massaging can also improve the health of your little one because it can increase blood circulation, including nourishing the baby’s skin. With the addition of using oils such as coconut oil or olive oil, it can make the baby’s skin warmer, moister, and keep the baby’s skin texture smoother and cleaner.

Why Should You Use Natural Ingredients To Whiten Baby’s Skin?

There are indeed many ways to whiten the skin, but unlike adults, your little one has thinner skin so it is more sensitive. That is why your child should not carelessly use ingredients or products for adults because it can endanger the health of the little one.

The use of natural substances as mentioned above can change the color of your baby’s skin to be cleaner and whiter. In practice, the results are not as fast as expected, but with regular use, you will see the desired results.

The benefits of these natural ingredients can not only brighten your little one’s skin but also make the skin softer and supple. Ingredients such as oatmeal, yogurt, and milk can not only whiten the skin, but also smooth the surface of the skin.

The effect of using natural ingredients on a regular basis can also make the skin more fragrant with a fresh and sweet aroma. Your little one’s skin may have some distinctive odors if you use natural ingredients such as oils or fruits.

There is no reason not to use natural ingredients as ingredients to brighten the skin. Moreover, because it is considered safe when made yourself. However, the ingredients used must of course be fresh and of high quality, especially if you want to use them for your little one.

Limits on the use of natural ingredients to whiten baby’s skin

Although using natural ingredients to whiten baby’s skin, it’s a good idea for Moms to be careful and not overdo it when using these natural ingredients. Because even though it is a natural ingredient without a mixture of chemicals, it is still not for daily use, not only for babies but also adults.

Before using natural ingredients to whiten the skin, it is highly recommended to try a little on the baby’s skin first rather than applying it thoroughly. This is to avoid irritation or the possibility of your child not being compatible with the material. It’s best not to use it more than twice a week.

Stop Use If Side Effects Appear

The use of natural ingredients is indeed safer than the use of chemicals for your little one, but that does not mean that it can be used freely at any time as explained, which is no more than 2 times a week Indeed, Moms want your little one’s skin to be brighter and healthier, but there are several things that must be considered.

  1. Skin becomes dry

Using natural ingredients can indeed help make the skin soft and moist, but if the skin becomes dry then the natural ingredients may irritate the skin. Immediately use a moisturizer to deal with dry skin and avoid these natural ingredients.

  1. Itching

If the skin does not match, signs will appear in the form of itching making your little one uncomfortable even though using natural ingredients. Persistent itching has proven to be very annoying because it can cause pain because there are wounds caused by your little one constantly scratching the skin. and can even keep your baby awake at night.

  1. Red rash appears

If the rash occurs while using these natural ingredients or some time after using one of the natural ingredients, it’s a good idea to rinse the material immediately. The appearance of a red rash could be due to a skin intolerance reaction to the ingredient. Follow the correct way to whiten toddler skin and stop immediately if irritation occurs.

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