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How to take care of your emotional life

People experience emotional stress in many ways: such as sadness, anxiety, addictions, obsessions, repetitive behaviors, boredom and emotional lability. Sometimes, in a few days, the emotional discomfort can disappear, but if it is persistent, it is convenient to go to a specialist who can help you. In addition, we present some tips that can help you get out of those moments and, therefore, take care of your emotional life.

Taking care of your emotional life means taking responsibility for your emotions, learning to manage them and discovering a much healthier way of experiencing them

1. Be yourself

It’s important to be yourself. This means to accept you, to love you, to value you. It’s knowing what you like, what you don’t, how you react to different situations, what behaviors make you uncomfortable and what make you feel happy. To do this, accept your own opinions, defend your values ​​and say the things you want to say. You have a thousand ways to be yourself by being honest with yourself. You don’t have to behave differently to please others. You can’t please everyone!

2. Reinvent your emotional discomfort

Sometimes, to reduce that inner discomfort, you can try to imagine yourself in a different way. How? Well, visualizing yourself to become a lighter, lighter person, with less emotional burden. You would be a calmer, more productive, less critical, less selfish and less abusive person. You will see how it works!

3. You must learn to love and be loved

Part of our human nature requires a few moments of solitude, time for oneself and a strong substance of individualism. It’s part of life. But the truth is that if we love and let ourselves be loved, we will feel better and happier. And we will experience life more fully. This way we will take care of our emotional life.

“I know how to talk by talking. To study, to study. To work, to work. In the same way, you learn to love by loving”

4. Know how to listen

It is good that, in addition to speaking, we practice the ability to listen, both to be ourselves and to recognize the way in which we project ourselves on others. Most of the time, an adequate change also starts from a good knowledge, both of what we see in the mirror, and of what others see when we stand in front of it.

5. Control your mind

It is necessary to do a good job of internalization, to identify the thoughts that do not serve us and throw them away. Or, failing that, let’s replace them with more useful thoughts.

6. Forget the past

We cannot control the future nor can we prevent the past from coming back. So trying to control something in the past or future can lead to anxiety, nightmares, sudden sadness or waves of anger or defeat. However, we must try to manage the memories in such a way that they do not cause us an uncontrolled emotional discomfort that is projected into the present and/or future.

7. Relax your anxiety

Anxiety has the ability to endanger our emotional balance, our mood and the smooth running of our daily activities. To manage it, you can apply different techniques, including relaxation techniques.

“It feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You feel suffocated”

8. Controls the mood

You can do it by breathing, practicing mindfulness or meditation… Remember that no one has the power to make you feel bad if you don’t allow them. Because you can control your mood.

9. Change your usual ways of doing things

You may feel angry, impulsive, scattered, undisciplined and scared. Examining the actions that generate these negative states in us is the first step to make them disappear.

10. To face the circumstances

Many circumstances are completely out of our control. Others, on the other hand, are below him. We can change our job or career, we can reduce our calorie intake, we can speak or remain silent… We cannot make decisions for others, we cannot change the intentions of our friends, we cannot control the behavior of others…

As a result of these improvements, we will feel better emotionally, because emotional improvement often requires taking action in the real world.

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