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How to Photograph the Northern Lights in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Essential Tips and Tricks

Article – How to Photograph Northern Lights in Minnesota and Wisconsin

How to Photograph Northern Lights in Minnesota and Wisconsin


Witnessing the breathtaking phenomenon of the Northern Lights is an experience like no other. For avid photographers and enthusiasts alike, capturing the beauty of this natural light display can present an exciting challenge. If you find yourself in Minnesota or Wisconsin, where sightings of the Northern Lights are occasional yet equally magical, this guide is crafted to help you prepare and photograph them in all their glory.

Choosing the Perfect Location

When it comes to capturing the Northern Lights, selecting the right location is crucial. Accompany yourself with the awe-inspiring landscapes of Minnesota and Wisconsin, as the vast and clear skies increase your chances of getting a perfect shot. Look for spots away from the urban hustle, where light pollution is minimal, allowing you to fully embrace the luminous spectacle.

Checking the Aurora Forecast

Prior to planning your Northern Lights photography outing, it’s essential to stay updated with the Aurora forecast. Several online platforms and smartphone applications can help you track the atmospheric conditions and the probability of auroras occurring. By aligning your photography adventure with peaks in solar activity and clear skies, you maximize your odds of witnessing and photographing this awe-inspiring display.

Equipment and Settings

To capture stunning images of the Northern Lights, you need the right gear. Here are some recommendations:

  • A Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) or a mirrorless camera for its versatility.
  • A sturdy tripod to keep your camera stable during long exposure shots.
  • A wide-angle lens to capture the vastness of the night sky.
  • A remote shutter release to avoid camera shake.
  • Extra batteries and memory cards to ensure uninterrupted shooting.

When it comes to camera settings, using manual mode enables full control over the exposure triangle. Typically, it is advised to:

  • Set the ISO between 800-3200 to capture the faint lights.
  • Choose a wide aperture (low f-stop) for ample light intake.
  • Set the shutter speed between 5-30 seconds for optimal exposure.

Additional Techniques for Stunning Shots

To take your Northern Lights photography to the next level, consider employing the following techniques:

  • Create a striking composition by incorporating a strong foreground element.
  • Experiment with different white balance settings to capture unique color variations.
  • Consider using the long exposure noise reduction feature to minimize noise.
  • Shoot in RAW format for increased flexibility during post-processing.

Patience, Timing, and Persistence

Achieving exceptional Northern Lights shots demands patience and persistence. The auroras can be elusive, requiring you to spend considerable time awaiting the perfect moment. Additionally, be cautious of varying weather conditions, taking advantage of the colder seasons when the night sky remains clearer and landscape elements are enhanced by frost and snow. Remember, capturing the Northern Lights is a journey, and it’s the culmination of your efforts that make the triumph sweeter.


Minnesota and Wisconsin offer photographers a remarkable opportunity to witness and capture the enchanting Northern Lights. By taking advantage of the tips and techniques provided in this guide, coupled with one’s artistic vision, extraordinary photographs of this celestial phenomenon can become a reality. Embark on a memorable adventure, and let your imagery stand as a testament to the beauty of the Northern Lights.

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