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How to Overcome Force Close on iPhone Easily, This is a Complete Review!

How to overcome Force Close on iPhone you can do with a few easy tips. Sometimes iPhone users experience the application they are using suddenly exits by itself.

This can happen due to a number of things. Starting from the memory capacity that is too large and the specifications of the iPhone that are less supportive.

It could also be because the application you are using is too full or too many in number.

So to be able to open it a little difficult or even come out by itself. If this is not addressed immediately, it will greatly interfere with your mobile activities.

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How to Overcome Force Close on iPhone Easy

Applications or games that often come out on their own on iPhone devices are indeed a common problem. This happens usually because of a crash and can also be due to RAM or internal capacity being full.

In addition, too many applications can also affect the iPhone device often exits by itself.

For those of you who are experiencing applications that often exit by themselves or force close on your iPhone, here are some easy tips to overcome these problems, including:

Restart iPhone

The first way to be able to overcome the application exit itself on the iPhone is to restart the iPhone.

Restarting iPhone can help to improve iPhone performance. In addition, to refresh the system so that it can be lighter.

By restarting the iPhone, you will better maintain the performance of the phone.

How to restart the iPhone is very easy, just press the power button and home button simultaneously, your iPhone will automatically restart.

Close All Running Apps

To be able to overcome the force close on the iPhone, you can do it by closing all other applications that are still open. Next, leave the game or application that you will access or play.

This can increase the free space of RAM on your iPhone device.

In addition to closing running applications, deleting and reinstalling games or applications can also be a solution in overcoming force closes on iPhone devices.

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Update iOS to New Version

The way to overcome the force close that occurs on the next iPhone device is to update iOS to a new version. You can update iOS to the latest version.

The reason is the frequent occurrence of applications that often come out on their own on the iPhone, one of which is the use of the old version of iOS on the device.

If this is true, then it would be better if you immediately update the iOS version, because otherwise the application will crash. This is because the old iOS still has bugs that need to be fixed.

The latest version of iOS has a variety of features that are better than the previous version. Besides being able to deal with applications that often come out on their own, iOS updates can also improve iPhone performance.

Save Space

If the capacity on the iPhone device that you are using is almost full to the point that it can no longer accommodate data, then this can be one of the reasons why your iPhone device has a force close.

Whereas we know, both applications or games that we use on mobile devices require storage space to store data. So that the application or game can run normally.

So to overcome the force close on the iPhone you can do it by freeing up a little storage space. When the storage space on the device is full.

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Contact the Application Developer

If the force close problem on the iPhone occurs in the application you are using, then how to solve this you can do by contacting the developer of the application.

It aims to get help to overcome it. You can do this by finding the app in the app store. Then tap the app, then tap the reason.

At the bottom of the review, then you can tap on app support.

In addition, you also need to learn more about the problematic application from the source of the application.

As for iPhone users who use open applications from Apple products, in this case Apple is not responsible if there is a problem or problem related to the application.

Doing application updates can also be one way to overcome the force close on the iPhone. This method is very useful especially for eliminating bugs.

The application developers will always provide the latest version updates, this aims to minimize existing bugs, so the application runs more smoothly. (R10/HR-Online)

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