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How to increase c disk space effectively and without programs and formats

How to Increase C disk space Many people suffer from hard disk space, especially when some people guess these spaces incorrectly, so they put some storage space when they need more space than this space, and today we will tell you to increase the Web site. How to Increase C Disk Space and Effective Ways to Increase C Disk Space in detail.

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How to increase disk space c

A radical solution to the problem of the hard disk full

When the hard drive is full, people look for a drastic solution before installing a new Windows and without formatting the entire hard drive, buy the new hard drive and transfer the data from the old hard drive so that they can repartition the hard drive. To talk about this radical solution, we need to point out why the hard drive is full.

Reasons for a full C hard drive in Windows

  • If the storage size of the C disk is small and this problem is ignored by many hard disk users, the user needs to select the large disk so that there is no need to add a new disk, especially when downloading various applications, programs and games.
  • When we copy a group of files to the desktop or a group of programs, we see that the disk space is full, so we have to use links because they have a small size that does not cause the hard disk to run out c.
  • Some users do not clean the hard drive, it must always be clean because it contains a lot of system files and these files need to be cleaned from time to time so that you can increase the speed of Windows and there are many programs that can be cleaned. Hard disk.
  • Using a large number of applications downloaded by users, such as games and software, takes up a very large amount of hard drive space, so some of these programs and games that we do not need or do not use should be uninstalled to save a lot hard disk space.

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1- Disk cleaning C

Disk Cleanup here aims to delete temporary files that we don’t need to increase hard drive space by following these steps:

  • Use the right mouse button on the C drive and select Properties.
  • Then we choose Clean up hard drive from the screen that appears.
  • After we find out what types of files we do not need, including temporary files, we put them in the Trash, we click the OK button.
  • Next we choose to clean files if the user needs this command.
  • The option of additional options is pressed and from it we press the Clean button and restore the system again except for the latest data.

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2- Uninstall the apps

  • Applications can be uninstalled by following these steps:
  • Let’s open the settings menu.
  • Let’s open the app options and click on the apps and features option.
  • After clicking on the menu we specify the size of files, applications and games that have a large space on the hard drive c.
  • We select all the programs and applications that we do not need and press Uninstall.
  • I press this button again to make sure those specific apps are uninstalled.

3- Buy a new tablet

Users can buy a new disk to replace the old disk with the device especially if the storage capacity of the old disk is very low and we try to install the operating system on the device later or we can buy a new disk and add it next to it. a disk to save a lot of space on your device. For archiving without the need to copy or delete the contents of the old disk.

You can also learn how to update Windows 10 via Settings or Media Creation Tool via this article: Update Windows 10 with Settings or Media Creation Tool

Effective ways to increase disk space C.

There are two effective ways to maximize hard drive space, the most important of which are:

1- Free the hard drive of all files to get adequate free space. c

This method is one of the most effective methods of freeing up enough space for Windows users it works best when we download unnecessary stuff from files on hard drive c.

Steps to remove old copies of Windows

  • We enter the hard drive via the c settings and when we see the storage space this disk is connected to, right click on the drive c and select the settings.
  • A small window opens showing the size of the hard drive volume c.
  • Next, a new window pops up showing the number of files on this disk and we click on the file system and click on it, and this problem takes some time.
  • The new window looks very similar to the previous one in that it shows us the files and their space for each, and we see a new file appear that takes up a lot of space, and the check mark in front of it is removed, and this is a check mark .
  • Click OK. This frees up disk space.

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2- Move space from one hard drive to another

This task can be done by following a few steps, the most important of which are:

  • We open the program and right-click on the disk where we need free space.
  • For us, a menu opens where we right-click on the first option, Move.
  • This window contains all the cavities that are filled and emptied from below and how they are enlarged or compressed.
  • Then an image appears in which we can reduce the size of the files by separating the free space from the D disk.
  • Next, we will explain how we can add the space we got from hard drive d to drive c.
  • The list appears at the beginning as a rectangle with a red section showing how to divide or add.
  • We see that the device starts rebooting so that it can add new space to drive c without formatting it.

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Other procedures to solve the problem

  • Users can stream all major applications and games to external drives.
  • Files on the hard drive can be compressed to gain more space for the user.
  • Save a lot of space by disabling the stability mode, which greatly helps to save the contents in RAM on this hard drive.
  • Disable System Restore to free up enough hard drive space.

There are many programs that will help you run your favorite Android games on your PC, so we have compiled the best 8 for you in one article: Run Android Programs and Games on PC and the top 8

In this post, we talked about how to increase c disk space and what causes c disk full in Windows, we also discussed how to fix c disk full problem and the most important real procedures with which to fix c disk full problem and other ways and reasons to solve this problem. .

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