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How to find love?

We often hear that love falls on us when we least expect it; alas, life is not a romantic comedy and there is little chance of finding the love of your life by hitting a complete stranger in the street. Fortunately, in the digital age, there are many other ways to meet people and find what suits you. However, let’s start by remembering that to find love you have to be in a certain availability of spirit: if you come out of a painful breakupwhether you’re still attached to a past relationship or are already taken up with personal worries, this is not the ideal time to meet someone.

New technologies offer single people new methods for meeting people and – why not – finding love. Applications or specialized sites allow you to scroll through hundreds of profiles in order to select those that may be suitable. Photos, profession, centers of interest and sometimes even astrological sign, it is a question of presenting oneself in the most rewarding way possible. Discussions then ensue, sometimes followed – in the event of a mutual crush – by a meeting in real life. When the two partners live on the other side of the world, these exchanges lead to a long distance relationan ambitious bet, but which can give rise to beautiful love stories.

Even though the Internet offers solutions to find love, we can deplore that they (…)

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