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How to Deal with Acid Reflux Page all

KOMPAS.com – Acid reflux disease can cause discomfort until the heat in the lower chest (heartburn).

This condition can occur when stomach acid rises back into the esophagus due to esophageal sphincter valve problems in the digestive tract.

When acid reflux occurs more than twice a week, a person is indicated to suffer gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD).

Also read: Symptoms of Increased Gastric Acid, Not Only Nausea and Stomach Pain

Launch Web MD, the cause of stomach acid can be affected by various conditions. Some of them are quite common including:

  • Eat too much
  • Lie down immediately after eating
  • Eat too close to bedtime
  • Eat certain foods such as oranges, tomatoes, chocolate, mint, to other spicy foods
  • Drinking tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, etc.
  • Smoke
  • Pregnant
  • Drug side effects

Also read: Increased Gastric Acid Can Cause Esophageal Cancer, Why So?

Gastric acid can sometimes interfere with daily activities. This disease can be controlled, but not infrequently need medical treatment to overcome it.

Launch Mayo Clinic, here are some ways to deal with acid reflux:

1. Changes in lifestyle and natural ways

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/06/30/180300768/cara-mengatasi-asam-lambung-naik?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">IllustrationShutterstock Illustration- One way to deal with gastric acid can be done with changes in lifestyle and natural ways, including:

  • Keeping the ideal weight, so that there is no pressure on the stomach
  • Stop smoking because smoking can reduce the function of the esophageal sphincter
  • Sleep with a higher head rest
  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating, wait at least three hours before bedtime
  • Don’t eat while in a hurry, chew food slowly
  • Avoid foods that trigger stomach acid, such as spicy foods, fatty foods, fried foods, tomatoes, mint, alcohol, to caffeine
  • Do not use clothes that fit around the waist or are too tight because they can compress the esophageal sphincter

Also read: 8 Foods that Cause Gastric Acid to Increase

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/06/30/180300768/cara-mengatasi-asam-lambung-naik?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">IllustrationThinkstockphotos Illustration-If the changes in lifestyle and natural ways above do not work to relieve stomach acid, it’s good for patients to consider taking medication.

Acid reflux disease in mild cases or early stages can usually be treated with stomach acid drugs that are sold in pharmacies, drug stores, etc.

One of the first aid to overcome gastric acid is an antacid type drug.

But, antacids can not cure the esophagus which is also inflamed because stomach acid from the stomach rises to the top.

Also read: How to get rid of phlegm in the throat due to stomach acid

Although sold freely, the use of antacids must also not be excessive because it can cause side effects of diarrhea or kidney problems.

In addition, there are also drugs to reduce acid production. This drug is known as an H-2 receptor blocker.

If over-the-counter medicines don’t ease the disease, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

Doctors generally prescribe drugs to reduce stomach acid production, improve the condition of the esophageal valve.

Also read: 6 Food Menu Choices for Gastric Acid Sufferers

3. Other operations and procedures

photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/06/30/180300768/cara-mengatasi-asam-lambung-naik?page=4" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">IllustrationThinkstockphotos Illustration-Acid reflux disease (GERD) can generally be controlled with medication.

However, if the intensity of the recurrence of the disease is quite frequent, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure or other medical procedure. Among them:

  • Surgery to tighten the muscles around the lower esophagus
  • Installation of the LINX device in the form of a magnetic ring on the border of the stomach and esophagus. This tool helps the function of the esophageal sphincter valve that cannot work optimally
  • Tightening of the esophageal sphincter valve that controls the rate of stomach acid

Also read: Can Gastric Acid Rise (GERD) Cause Heart Attack?

Before making a diagnosis of someone having gastric problems or GERD, doctors generally do a physical examination and a history of patient pain.

The doctor also runs endoscopic examinations, acidity levels, to x-rays in the upper abdomen.

After determining the diagnosis, the new doctor recommends the most appropriate type of treatment for treating patients with gastric acid.

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