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How to Create Landscape and Portrait Pages in One Word Document

Ilustrasi Microsoft Word. (Microsoft)

Hitekno.com – Are you having trouble? create landscape and portrait pages in one Word document just? if yes, you are on the right page.

Generally, when we open Microsoft Word, then the display on the screen is a portrait page.

But you don’t need to worry because Microsoft Word itself gives users the freedom to choose the page layout used.

If the portrait layout is not what you want, then you can change it to landscape mode.

The trick is to click the Layout menu > orientation > then select landscape. That way, the Word display on your computer screen will display a landscape sheet.

However, the problem is how to try to insert a landscape layout in the middle of the page with portrait mode?

Ilustrasi Microsoft Word. (Microsoft)

This case usually occurs when you want to enter data or images with the paper orientation widened to the side, aka landscape.

Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you think. You just need to take advantage of Microsoft Word’s built-in feature called Page Break.

For more details, refer to the steps below:

  1. Open the Microsoft Word application on your computer or laptop.
  2. Word will automatically create a page with a portrait layout.
  3. Create a new page by clicking the Layout > Breaks > Next Page menu. This is useful for splitting pages.
  4. A new page will be created in a portrait layout.
  5. To change it to landscape, click the Layout > Orientation > Landscape menu.

After the new page has a landscape orientation, you need to change it again to portrait orientation so that the next page does not take the form of landscape.

The method is the same, you only need to separate the page with a section break. Then on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Orientation and select Portrait.

The above method aims to change the portrait page to landscape when the sheet is still blank.

Then what if you want to change the paper orientation when the page is filled with data? from the search results of the Hitekno.com team, you only need to take advantage of the Custom Margin feature in Microsoft Word.

Method create a landscape page and portraits without Page Break:

  1. Block/select/select documents that we will create a landscape.
  2. Klik menu Layout > Margin > Custom Margin
  3. In the Orientation section, click the Landscape image, then in the Apply to section select Selected text. If you have clicked OK.

If you have done the above steps, the document that you blocked earlier will automatically change its orientation to landscape without disturbing the orientation of other pages.

Here are several ways to create landscape and portrait pages in one Word documents. Easy isn’t it?

Contributor: Damai Lestari

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