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How to burn 3 thousand calories at home without sport: the sensational figure

How to burn 3 thousand calories at home without sport: the sensational figure. Crazy how much you can burn doing just that job.

House cleaning (Pixabay)


As the ‘supereva.it’ website reports, burning calories at home is possible by doing just that job. It seems really hard to believe but a study would confirm this hypothesis: housework helps to burn a lot of calories. It seems like a joke but the study carried out seems to confirm it: housework is a panacea to dispose of, let’s see how and why.

For those who do not have much time to dedicate to the gym or sports in general, or those who simply do not like to play sports, can focus on housework to try to lose weight. How will you say? Well, according to some studies, doing housework would help a lot to burn calories, even up to 3000 without doing any physical exercise.

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How to burn 3 thousand calories at home by playing sports

Burn calories House cleaning
House cleaning (Pixabay)

Research was reported by ‘Express.co.uk’ that household chores are an unexpected ally against excess fat. The same reveals that a person can burn around 2,700 calories a week, which is truly incredible considering that it takes hours a day to burn around 500 calories. The data would have been collected on a study conducted on about 2000 adults, completely dedicated to this activity.

The site also gives some examples of home practice with attached data on calories: brooming for ten minutes would burn about 37 calories, which would be about 9 thousand per year. 50 calories to iron for at least 20 minutes, washing the laundry equals 42 calories. Making bed 23 calories, 26 for cleaning dishes.

If we consider 1 hour and ten minutes of housework, this study would state that the calories burned would be about 215. Among other things, gardening was also studied, with 142 calories burned in about 38 minutes. Therefore, if compared to the week, carrying out all these practices you get to burn a considerable amount of calories, as long as you do not overindulge in an inappropriate way ‘nullifying’ all the work done previously.

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