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How opening your curtains in the morning affects your weight

If you leave the curtains closed after your alarm goes off, you could gain a lot of weight, according to a study from PLOS One. But what about that?


Some people open the curtains immediately after waking up, others leave them closed all day. Still others do open them, but only sometime in the middle of the morning when they are already dressed and ready. It is recommended to do it immediately, as soon as you wake up. Research has shown that people who are exposed to sunlight early in the morning have a lower BMI than people who stay dark in the bedroom. Regardless of how much they eat.


According to the researchers, 20 to 30 minutes of daylight in the morning is enough to have a positive effect on your BMI, even when it is cloudy. This is because your body activates the biological clock as soon as it comes into contact with daylight. And that includes metabolism.

Is the weather so bad for you that not a single ray of sunshine falls into your house? Or winter, so it doesn’t get light until late? Then you could also put a lamp in your home that mimics natural sunlight for the same effect.

Bron: Grazia | Beeld: iStock

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