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“How nice”: people are delighted with the photo of Vodonaeva pregnant

Fans are already debating which month of pregnancy the star was removed. Alena Vodonaeva herself is mysteriously silent.

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Now little is known about the personal life of Alena Vodonaeva. The blogger and journalist regularly updates social networks and comments on current news in various fields: politics, economics and so on. But he rarely talks about himself.

However, a few hours ago, Alena’s fans were very surprised by the selection of frames posted on the star’s Telegram channel. The images are screenshots of Vodonaeva herself during interviews with various public figures. As Alena noted, in some photos she is in position. And Vodonaeva, by the way, decided to increase archival footage after talking about her journalistic activities about her in the past, when she had frank conversations with invited guests.

“In the Telegram channels, some laughed at my ‘out loud’ claim that I called myself the founder of this format on the Internet. From this you can at least laugh, at least cry, but the fact remains. And many of my guests have been with me first and only then with everyone else on YouTube. In some problems, I am pregnant and thought this was not visible. Now I look and understand: you can see, “wrote Alena.

Alena Vodonaeva

Many fans eagerly began to comment on Vodonaeva’s published shots, wondering about a celebrity’s pregnancy. And this despite the fact that the reporter herself did not say in which of the photos she is presented in position. Some subscribers to Alena’s blog have suggested that we are talking about the frame in which the star is captured with actor and producer Alexander Nevsky. Other people have simply noticed that Vodonaev looks good in photographs.

“It seems to me that even from the size of your face, let’s say, you can see where you are in position. Maybe I’m wrong “;” So cute “;” Where is the voluminous face, just so young “;” And the cheeks are quite small “;” And the pregnancy was a lot for you “;” What a big problem with Nikita ” , write Alena fans.

Recall that 40-year-old Vodonaeva has so far only one child. Bogdan’s only son, former “House-2” participant she gave birth after leaving the TV shoot. The father of Alena’s heir was businessman Alexei Malakeev. Unfortunately, an ordinary child did not save the parental relationship. The couple filed for divorce three years after their baby was born, in 2013. Since then, Alena has only officially registered the relationship once. The second chosen one of the celebrity was DJ Alexei Kosinus. But with him, the beauty of the star eventually broke off relations.

Source: Telegram

Photo source: Telegram, Legion-Media

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