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How much does it cost to add a driver to their car insurance?

How much does a second driver car insurance cost? If it is easy to add another driver to his car contract, what about the price and the applicable predispositions? Insurers agree to add a second or even a third driver on the same contract under certain conditions and with a price adjustment. We explain how to insure another driver and how much it costs.

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How do I add a second driver to my car insurance?

Adding a second driver to your car insurance is a common practice. Whether it is your spouse or your child, it is possible to declare another motorist on the same car contract. To do this, you must meet certain conditions depending on the situation:

  1. Insure your spouse: in this case, the other driver is insured to drive your vehicle regularly, enjoying the same guarantees. You must then provide personal information such as identity, the date of obtaining a driver’s license in order to attach this person as a secondary driver.
  2. Insure your child: the procedure is identical to that of a spouse. Your child is then designated secondary driver. Please note, if your child is the main driver of the vehicle, he must be designated as such at the risk of not being compensated in the event of a claim.
  3. Insure an occasional driver: if a motorist occasionally borrows your vehicle, you are not obliged to designate him as a secondary driver. Make sure that your insurer does not provide any warranty exclusion when lending your vehicle.

Does adding another driver increase my car insurance?

Insuring a second driver is commonplace in auto insurance. But does this approach influence the price of your car contribution? This will depend on the profile of the driver and the insurance company.

For example, insuring a young driver as a second driver will trigger an additional premium. Indeed, young drivers are considered as high-risk profiles by insurers resulting in an additional cost. It also happens that some insurers refuse to insure young people with second driver licenses.

On the other hand, if the second driver has more than 5 years of license and does not present any claims, the car contribution generally remains unchanged.

In order to know the cost of adding a second driver, we invite you to compare the offers of the different auto insurance companies. Requests for quotes are fast and completely free.

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Good to know: For a young driver, it is very interesting to be attached to the car contract of one of his parents. Car insurance generally displays fairly high rates for young drivers with the application of a premium in the face of higher risk. This economic situation also has the advantage of allowing your child to benefit from your bonus-malus to facilitate the subscription of a car contract later.

What are the documents to add a second driver?

When you want to add a second driver to your car insurance, the insurer asks you to provide several documents:

  • Your family relationship (spouse, spouse, child)
  • His identity (first name, last name, address)
  • The year in which he obtained his driving license
  • A statement of information if the driver was insured with another insurance company (this document contains the history of his insured profile)

The second driver can also be added to the vehicle registration document. In this case, you must contact the prefecture or sub-prefecture and:

  • Provide marital or parental documents (Pacs, Family Book)
  • Send a photocopy of the identity card and driving license
  • You pay the tax to issue the new gray card

That’s it, all you have to do is take the steps to add a new driver to your car insurance contract.

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