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how many bubbles is in a beer mug?

How long would it take you to count the bubbles in your glass of beer? More than a week without sleeping and again, going fast. Fortunately, scientists from the CNRS did the work for us and established a calculation method … more or less reliable.

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Science sometimes has the art of answering questions that no one asks: why teaspoons disappear faster than forks ? Comment break a spaghetti in half ? How many licks does it take to finish a lollipop ? How many babies are born in planes ? Here is further proof of the usefulness of our researchers: we now know that a glass of beer contains between 200,000 and 2 million bubbles, but also that beer contains more bubbles than champagne.

How to properly pour beer into your glass

This question was the subject of a very serious study by two researchers from the University of Reims affiliates at the CNRS and published in the journal ACS Omega. Because the phenomenon of bubbles is actually much more complex than it seems. The formation of bubbles depends not only on the nature of the liquid, but also the temperature, the shape of the glass, the quantity of liquid or the pression ambient. ” 100 ml of champagne poured directly into the middle of a vertically oriented flute will contain around one million bubbles. But of champagne served more gently by pouring along the side of an inclined flute (a technique that better preserves the CO2 dissolved) will give tens of thousands more bubbles », Indicates Gérard Liger-Belair, main author of the study.

Or, « the presence of CO2 dissolved is an essential sensory parameter in the beer tasting, because the bubbles transport compounds aromatics and scented, emphasizes scientist Gérard Liger-Belair. We previously showed that a minimum concentration of 1.2 grams per liter of CO2 dissolved is required in sparkling wines to undergo a sensation of The process consists of pyrolysis of the carbonaceous material at high temperatures (400 to … “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete / definitions / developpement-durable-gazeification-6161 / “data-more =” Read more “>gasification in mouth ».

How long will it take for my beer to lose all its bubbles?

It remained to know how to count the bubbles. Gérard Liger-Belair and his colleague first measured the amount of CO2 dissolved in a lager (Heineken) by pouring the beer into an inclined glass (in order to preserve the CO2 dissolved), and for a tasting temperature of 7.22 ° C. They then modeled how the gas dissolved spontaneously aggregates to form streams of bubbles in the crevices of the glass. Finally, using a very high speed camera The speed having a direction and an intensity is represented by a vector, the speed vector. Relative speed is the speed of one body relative to another or relative to a benchmark. “Data-image =” https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/3/1/ 9 / 319daf63f4_77541_leibniz-dp.jpg “data-url =” https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physique-vitesse-324/ “data-more =” Read the definition “>speed (high speed photography), they observed how the bubbles grow larger and carry dissolved gases to the surface, until no dissolved gases remain in the beer. Result: between 200,000 and 2 million bubbles are released before half a pint of lager (25 cl) is completely “emptied” of its gas. A not very precise estimate, it is true, but always more reliable than counting the bubbles oneself one by one.

Note that this estimate is not valid for champagne. Surprisingly, glass flaws influence the two drinks differently, with more bubbles forming in the beer when the crevices in the glass are larger, the researchers note – which may be why beer is often served in mugs. And if you feel like calculating the number of bubbles yourself, here is theequation use :

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