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How is Elizabeth II really? The skipped events and the concern of the experts: “Something more serious …”

The doctors advised Elizabeth II to rest for another two weeks, so the sovereign will have to skip some important appointments.

Buckingham Palace reports it in a note, where it is remembered that the Queen it has been in Windsor Castle for ten days already and he also spent 24 hours in the hospital for tests.

However, no further details on his condition arrive from the Palace. Just this “silence”, according to some real experts, would suggest that the “mysterious health problems” of Elizabeth II may be of some relevance.

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Daniela Elser, journalist and editor who in the last 15 years has often dealt with the events relating to the Royal Family, said she was “troubled” by the latest update on the conditions of Queen Elizabeth II.

For the royal expert the sovereign would also have “I reluctantly accepted the medical advice” to rest for a few days, as the 95-year-old monarch is never willing to take sick leave.

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Daniela Elser points out to the Daily Star that the Queen is back at work only four days later having lost her beloved husband, Prince Philip, who passed away last April.

The cancellation of the two day scheduled tour of Northern Ireland and the news of the “secret” hospitalization in London obviously increased the concerns of the British population.

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Furthermore, the forced rest will force Elizabeth II to skip the CoP26 international climate conference, in programma a Glasgow.

All clues, according to Daniela Elser, which would suggest how something “more serious” is happening than you might have thought at first.

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