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How does the life of a person suffering from multiple sclerosis change?

“At the moment, no one knows for sure the cause of multiple sclerosis, it is certainly not a single cause. It is about the interaction between a genetic vulnerability and certain environmental factors, without being able to specify exactly the trigger ”explained the neurologist Irene Davidescu. I learned how the life and lifestyle of a person who received this diagnosis changes.

CSÎD: How do patients with multiple sclerosis describe their experience with this disease?

Dr. Irene Davidescu: The experience of each person with Multiple Sclerosis is very different, therefore, multiple sclerosis is called “Disease with 1000 faces”

Managing the condition is also different for everyone person depending on the course of the disease, the form of the disease, symptoms, previous health status and lifestyle.

The support of family and friends is very important for patients with multiple sclerosis

CSÎD: How can life change after multiple sclerosis has started?

Dr. Irene Davidescu: Life with multiple sclerosis can be challenging and its effects can have a significant impact on the patient, family, friends, loved ones.

Multiple sclerosis affects the patient’s personal, social and professional life and, in order to cope, the patient must accept and adapt his life according to the changes that occur due to this condition.

The patient’s personal life also suffers from multiple sclerosis, the partner, family and friends of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis are directly affected.

The patient should talk openly with loved ones about the health problem he has, and his family and friends should show that they are by his side and that they support him unconditionally.

The social life of patients with multiple sclerosis is also undergoing a series of transformations, they are encouraged not to give up the activities they are used to doing with pleasure and to try as much as possible to continue their professional activity, even if in an adapted form.

In the absence of specific treatment, patients may suffer from disabilities

CSÎD: When does multiple sclerosis become disabling?

Dr. Irene Davidescu: The lack of monitoring by the neurologist and the lack of specific treatment for patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis can lead to the onset of early disability.

Dr Irene Davidescu, neurologist, photo archive

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