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How can you protect yourself from other people’s negative energy? | Mix

Ammon – If you spend some time next to negative people, you must be affected by that negative mentality that they have, and sometimes you may not realize that you have become negative as a result of your presence among these people.

So, if you feel exhausted from carrying the negative energy of others, there is a way to prevent this from happening. You can protect yourself from absorbing the negative energy of others, so that you can live a more positive and productive life. Here’s how.

Identify the emotion present:
When negative feelings take over, it is important to identify the source, that is, to know whether they are your true feelings or whether you picked them up from someone else. Therefore, if the matter concerns you, you can deal with it and overcome those feelings, but if the matter concerns someone else. You must realize that you do not have to bear it, and you must leave it.

Put distance between you and negativity:
Whatever you can do to give yourself some space away from negativity, do it. For example, go outside, walk, and eat lunch in your car. Sometimes all you need is a few minutes to regroup your thoughts, and remind yourself that the negativity is none of your business.

Know your limits:
When it comes to dealing with negative energy, it is important to know what triggers this feeling inside you, because when you know the feeling associated with negativity, you can deal with it faster. Also, if that negativity is linked to a person, you can see it coming from afar, and then… You will leave immediately away from him.

Take responsibility:
If you have people in your life who stress you out, will you take responsibility for removing their negative energy from your life? Simply because you are ultimately responsible for everything that happens in your life, including: your happiness and unhappiness, your successes and failures, and changing negative relationships.

Although life is not always kind or fair, as no one chooses to have people with negative energy in his life, courage, perseverance, honesty, and above all taking responsibility, are the only ways to overcome the challenges you face in life.

Respiratory only:
If you feel like you’re overwhelmed by someone else’s negative emotions or energy, take a few minutes to regulate your breathing and reset your thoughts.

If negative emotions and energy are flooding you, take a few minutes to sit quietly and meditate.

Be clear with people:
When it comes to managing negative energy and negative people, sometimes all you have to do is calm down and say, “No.” This word has a lot of power. To stop someone from stealing your positivity, and set boundaries with that person.

“Gulf Flower”

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