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How are the mortgages of this 2022?

The TRIOTECA Study Center recently conducted a study on the mortgage market in our country, reaching the following conclusions.

Housing data
In January 2022, the average value of the home for which a mortgage is requested increased by 12.56% compared to the previous month, with a figure of €247,791. The year begins with the highest value in the last 12 months and the trend in home values ​​has been growing since August 2021.

In January 2022, 93.6% of mortgage applications are made for a second-hand home compared to 6.4% for a new home.

Mortgage Applicant Profile
The mortgage applicant in January 2022 has an average age of 39.2 years. The employment status of the applicants is: 71.3% are salaried; 9.8% are self-employed; 11% are civil servants; 2.6% are pensioners; 1.3% are entrepreneurs; 0.8% are unemployed-

Unemployment or unemployment is a concept that we all easily understand but that is measured by(…)-” href=”https://www.euribor.com.es/glossary/unemployment/” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””>unemployedand31%haveotheroccupations[{“attribute=””>paroyel31%tieneotrasocupaciones

Data on requested mortgages
In January 2022 the face value-

The nominal value represents the value in euros (or the corresponding currency) of a certain(…)-” href=”https://www.euribor.com.es/glossary/value-nominal/” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””>averagemortgagenominalvalueis€159799whichrepresentsanincreaseof116%comparedtothepreviousmonth[{“attribute=””>valornominalmediodehipotecaesde159799€loquesuponeunincrementodel116%respectoalmesanterior

In January 2022, 96% of users who request a mortgage do so at a fixed rate, compared to 4% who request a variable rate-

September Euribor

A variable rate refers to an interest rate that is not fixed and that changes(…)-” href=”https://www.euribor.com.es/glosario/tipo-variable/” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””>tipovariable[{“attribute=””>tipovariable

Formalized interest rate
In January 2022, the fixed-rate mortgages formalized in TRIOTECA have an average interest of 1.10%, in 27.3 years, with an average bonus of 2.82, including payroll, home and life insurance and credit cards. Regarding variable mortgages formalized in TRIOTECA, the average interest is Euribor + 0.88%, in 30 years, with 4 bonuses on average, among which payroll, home and life insurance and credit cards stand out.

In January 2022, 94.34% of the mortgages managed by TRIOTECA were formalized at a fixed rate, compared to 5.66% at a variable rate.

Improvement of conditions
The average data of mortgages for which an improvement in conditions has been formalized in January 2022 are: with a nominal amount of €223,650, over 25 years, with a TIN-

When contracting a mortgage it is important to know two terms, the TIN and the APR, which if(…)-” href=”https://www.euribor.com.es/glosario/tin/” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””>FixedTINof204%andamonthlyfeeof€952WiththeimprovementofTRIOTECAconditionsthefixedTINbecomes107%andamonthlyfeeof€850whichleadstosavingsof€102permonth[{“attribute=””>TINfijode204%yunacuotamensualde952€ConlamejoradecondicionesdeTRIOTECAelTINfijopasaaserdel107%yunacuotamensualde850€loqueconllevaunahorrode102€almes

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