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How a Man ‘Cheated Death’ and Lived 45 Years in a Blue Zone Island

He returned home and waited for death.

A man managed to “cheat death” by moving to a Blue Zone island after being told he only had nine months to live.

About it writes ladbible.com.

It was back in 1976 when Stamatis Moraitis was given the terrible news that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer.

After that, the man decided to leave the United States, where he began his life, and return to his native island of Ikaria in Greece. There he planned to “start drinking wine and wait for the day of death.”

But after he returned to Ikaria, Stamatis found that he was actually starting to feel better with each passing month. Then, finally, the ominous mark of nine months disappeared and Moraitis lived another 45 years.

The man died in 2013 at the age of 98, although he claimed to be 102 years old.

Speaking to the BBC about the secret to his longevity, he joked: “I’m not a doctor, but I think the wine helped.”

Surprisingly, the island of Ikaria is also called “the island where people forget to die.” In fact, this is the so-called “blue zone” – an area with an extremely high life expectancy. As a general rule, people in the blue zone live an average of ten years longer than in other parts of Western Europe.

As for Stamatis, he attributed his longevity to consumption of locally produced products, including wine, as well as a stress-free life. He even refused to drink too commercial wine because of the additives that were added to it. He took his own with him wherever he went.

One theory why people living in the Blue Zones live so long is that the food produced in these areas is the same as what doctors recommend for a healthy diet.

The so-called “Mediterranean diet” has the right proportions of vegetables, proteins and healthy fats, and is also low in sugar.

Recall the man stunned by losing 148 kg and complained about a new problem. He also showed his before and after photos.

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2023-07-22 13:08:00

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