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Hot! Xi Jinping Warning Biden Don’t Play With Fire, What’s Up?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Chinese President Xi Jinping warned US President Joe Biden about Taiwan. This is related to Uncle Sam’s support for the independence of the island which China considers its province.

Xi said the US was playing with fire. This was revealed in a virtual conversation between the two leaders of countries which took place Monday (15/11/2021) evening US time or Tuesday (16/11/2021) morning China time.

“Taiwan authorities have repeatedly tried to ‘rely on the US for independence’,” Xi was quoted as saying by the state media office. Xinhua.

“Some people in the US intend to ‘use Taiwan to control China’. This trend is very dangerous and like playing with fire, and those who play with fire will burn.”

In its release, although not as loud as China, the White House also implied rejection of China’s stance on Taiwan. AFP writes, Biden’s refusal to appear related to China’s aggressiveness in Taiwan.

“In Taiwan, President Biden underlined that the United States … strongly opposes unilateral attempts to alter the status quo or undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” the White House statement said.

The statement reaffirmed the long-standing US policy of not recognizing Taiwan’s independence, supporting the defense of the island. A source said the talks between the two leaders were very lengthy when discussing Formosa.

Previously, talks between Xi Jinping and Biden were widely heard last week. Despite being stuck with other issues such as trade and technology, it was mentioned that Taiwan was on the special agenda of the two leaders.

China often acts aggressively when foreigners show their support for Taiwan. Last week after the arrival of US politicians to the island, China not only condemned but sent a patrol of fighter jets to the region.

In its report, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said six Chinese military aircraft entered the southwest air defense zone. Includes four J-16 fighter jets and two reconnaissance aircraft.

Taiwan Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang told reporters that the Taiwan-US relationship is very important. The presence of the US Congress should be respected as a “visit between friends”.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(boss / boss)

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