Since its opening in 1980, the main building of Hôpitaux Drôme Nord de Romans has remained unchanged. Work worth 16.3 million will be undertaken to modernize the building.
“This modernization of the premises was long awaited. Nothing ambitious, simply offer patients comfort close to what we find at home in 2023: one shower per room, a comfortable room temperature“, summarizes Françoise Celle, president of the medical commission of establishment of the Drôme Nord Hospitals.
16.5 million euros
By November 2025 – the date scheduled for the final acceptance of the works – the Roman site of the Hôpitaux Drôme Nord will be unrecognizable. Farewell to the beige facade, damaged by the years, like the premises and the entrance hall, which will also be refreshed. Since its construction in 1980, no structural work has been undertaken on the main building. Currently, it no longer meets the standards in terms of reception and hospitalization. The premises are no longer adapted to the needs of patients and staff. If the building does not present any major malfunction, it nevertheless presents infiltrations, dilapidated joinery and a lack of insulation. Worth 16.5 million euros, including 13 million financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency (ARS) as part of the Ségur de la santé, the modernization works concern 211 beds for 7,075 m2 of surface on four floors. On the fifth floor, in turn, the services will be accommodated during the 30 months of work because the hospital will continue to operate normally. The objective is to restore hotel comfort by renovating the rooms and installing showers.
A living area of 200,000 inhabitants
“The modernization of the building will make the hospital even more conducive to providing efficient and quality care: it will make patient care more comfortable, streamline their care pathways and create a new, more pleasant and functional work environment for professionals”, welcomes Doctor Jean-Yves Grall, Director General of ARS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The Drôme Nord Hospitals (Saint-Vallier and Romans) serve a living area of 200,000 inhabitants. Compared to 2019, the number of patients increased by 8% in 2022. The modernization and humanization of the main building therefore meet this demand. For Doctor Jean-Yves Gall, this modernization will make the Roman establishment a “pivot of the offer of high-performance and quality care with a major place in the organization of the new GHT (territorial hospital group editor’s note) Drome Ardeche Vercors“.
Improving the healthcare offer
This modernization is a continuation of other projects and is carried out jointly with that of Saint-Vallier. The Ehpad (housing establishment for dependent elderly people), the maternity ward and the operating theater have been renovated. “The Drôme Nord Hospitals will therefore almost benefit from a new hospital for the benefit of the 200,000 inhabitants of their basin.underlines Vincent Prégeot, director of the Drôme Nord Hospitals. This upgrading of the premises goes hand in hand with the development of the care offer. For example, a palliative care unit was recently commissioned, a pediatric surgery activity will be set up in the coming weeks in cooperation with the Valencia hospital center and a home hospitalization activity will soon be created. in partnership with Crest hospital“.
The signing of the contract took place on March 27 at the hospital, in the presence of Doctor Jean-Yves Gall, Vincent Pégéot, François Cellard and Marie-Hélène Thoraval, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hôpitaux Drôme Nord. The new hospital was unveiled gradually. Each person was asked to drop off a piece of the giant puzzle representing the hospital of tomorrow.