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Hollywood Actors and Workers Strike in Protest Against Robotic Takeover

“نحن هنا اليوم لنعبر عن تضامننا مع ‍زملائنا في ‍صناعة السينما والتلفزيون الذين ينفذون ‌إضراباً عادلًا من أجل حقوقهم ومستقبلهم المهني. إنهم يقفون بقوة وشجاعة ‌للمطالبة بأجور عادلة وظروف عمل ملائمة”، وأضاف “إنهم‍ يعملون بجد ويسهمون في إنتاج أعمال فنية⁤ رائعة، ويستحقون أن يحظوا بمعاملة عادلة⁤ وكرامة”.

ويأتي ⁣هذا ‌الإضراب بعد فشل المفاوضات بين نقابة ‌ممثلي الشاشة وشركات الإنتاج والإعلان، حيث تطالب النقابة بزيادة الأجور وتحسين الظروف العملية للممثلين ‌والعاملين في الصناعة.⁣ وقد تأثرت ⁤العديد من الإنتاجات السينمائية والتلفزيونية ​بسبب هذا الإضراب، حيث تم تأجيل العديد من المشاريع وتعطيل العمل في العديد من الاستوديوهات.

وقد أعربت العديد من الشخصيات البارزة في صناعة ⁣السينما والتلفزيون عن دعمهم للمضربين، من بينهم ⁢براين كرانستون الذي‌ ألقى كلمة مؤثرة ⁤خلال التجمع في ساحة تايمز سكوير. وقد أشار كرانستون إلى أهمية دعم الفنانين ‍والممثلين والعاملين في الصناعة، وأكد أنهم يستحقون الحصول على⁤ حقوقهم⁢ ومعاملة عادلة.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى‌ أن هذا الإضراب⁣ ليس‍ الأول⁤ في صناعة​ السينما والتلفزيون، حيث سبق وأن نفذت ⁣النقابة إضرابات مماثلة في الماضي للدفاع عن ‌حقوق العاملين في الصناعة. ومع استمرار⁣ هذا الإضراب الحالي، يتوقع أن يتأثر العديد من الإنتاجات القادمة وقد يتسبب في ⁤خسائر مالية كبيرة لشركات الإنتاج والإعلان.

وفي الختام، يعبر هذا الإضراب عن صوت العمال في صناعة السينما والتلفزيون الذين يسعون لتحقيق ​حقوقهم وتحسين ظروف عملهم.‍ ومن ‌المهم أن ‌يتم التوصل إلى اتفاق عادل ⁤يلبي مطالبهم ويحافظ على استمرارية هذه الصناعة الهامة والمزدهرة.Hollywood Actors and Workers Continue Strike for Fair Wages and Protection⁣ Against Artificial Intelligence

In a powerful‌ display of solidarity, prominent American cinema and​ television figures, including “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston,⁢ gathered in New York City’s famous Times Square on Tuesday to​ express their support⁣ for Hollywood actors⁤ who have been on strike for nearly two weeks.

Cranston, who spoke about his ⁣concerns regarding artificial​ intelligence in‌ front of a crowd of striking actors and supporters, declared, “We will not allow our jobs to be replaced by robots.” He directed a‍ message to ⁢Disney CEO⁤ Bob Iger, ⁣who has been targeted by the movement, stating,⁤ “We ‍will not accept being deprived of our right to work and earn a decent living.”

The star of “Breaking Bad,” which ​has ⁣left an indelible mark on television history, ⁤concluded his speech by⁣ saying, “Finally and most importantly, we will not let you take​ away our dignity.”

Joining⁣ Cranston in the rally ​were other notable actors such as Kristen Bell, Chloe⁣ Grace Moretz, Steve Buscemi,⁣ Brendan Fraser, Christian Slater, and Lisa⁣ Colon-Zayas, known for‌ her role in⁣ the series “The Pier.” ‍Jessica Chastain, who expressed her anger on Twitter on July 18th, stating that “87% of‌ union actors earn less than $26,000 a year” and are not entitled to health insurance, also participated in the gathering.

The strike, which began on July​ 14th, involves approximately ⁣160,000 American⁣ television and​ film actors and is in‍ addition to⁣ the ongoing strike by‌ screenwriters.​ This⁤ dual⁤ social movement has ⁤caused the​ worst paralysis in⁣ the industry in over⁤ 60 years.

Actors​ and screenwriters ⁣are demanding higher⁣ wages, which have been‌ stagnant in the era of streaming platforms,‌ and seek guarantees regarding the use of artificial intelligence ⁣to prevent the‍ technology from ‍creating texts or reproducing their voices⁣ and ‌images.

As part of the strike, union members, including actors and⁤ workers in the film​ and television industry, are refraining from​ participating in any form of promotion ‍for a project, whether it be⁣ premieres, festivals, or social‍ media campaigns, significantly disrupting Hollywood.

The ‍strike has gained widespread attention and support from both within and outside the industry, with many recognizing the‍ importance of fair wages and protection against the potential‍ threats posed by artificial intelligence.​ As the strike​ continues, the future ⁢of Hollywood remains uncertain, ⁤but‍ the ​determination and unity displayed by the actors and ​workers signal a strong resolve to fight for their rights and⁣ the preservation of ​their craft.
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What are the key demands​ of the Screen Actors Guild⁢ during the ongoing strike, and how are these demands ‌aimed⁣ at improving the fair ⁣treatment and working conditions ⁤for actors and industry workers

Lasting ‌impact on the‍ television industry, emphasized the importance of fair wages and suitable working conditions for actors and industry workers. He also highlighted their contribution to the creation of outstanding artistic works and stressed ​the need for them to be treated with fairness and dignity.

The strike was⁢ initiated after failed negotiations between the Screen Actors Guild and production and advertising companies. The guild is demanding wage ⁣increases and improvements in working conditions for actors and industry workers. As a‍ result of the strike, numerous ⁤film and television productions have been​ delayed, and work has been disrupted ⁤in many studios.

Many influential figures in the cinema and⁣ television industry have expressed their support ​for the strikers, including Bryan ⁤Cranston, who delivered ⁤an impactful speech at the gathering in Times Square. Cranston ​emphasized‍ the importance ⁢of supporting artists, actors, and industry workers and reiterated their right to fair treatment and rights.

It is worth mentioning that this is not⁢ the first strike in⁢ the cinema and television industry. The guild has previously initiated⁢ similar strikes to defend⁣ the rights of industry workers. With the continuation of the current strike, it is expected that numerous upcoming productions ⁢will be affected, potentially ⁤resulting in significant financial ‍losses ⁤for production and advertising companies.

In conclusion, this strike represents the voice of workers in the cinema and television industry who are striving ⁣to achieve their rights and improve their working conditions.⁤ It is crucial to reach a fair agreement ⁢that meets their⁣ demands and ensures the continuity of this important and thriving​ industry.

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