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Hollow Knight: Silksong Xbox Store Page Goes Live on April Fools’ Day: Is it Real or a Joke?

Breaking <a data-ail="4952329" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/news/" >News</a>: Xbox Store Page for Hollow Knight: Silksong Goes Live on April Fools’ Day!

Breaking News: Xbox Store Page for Hollow Knight: Silksong Goes Live on April Fools’ Day!

April Fools’ Day just would not be complete without a surprising development in the gaming world. Hollow Knight: Silksong, the highly anticipated sequel from Team Cherry, has now made its way onto the Xbox Store. Despite the initial confusion surrounding its release date, the store page is now confirmed to be legitimate, as announced by Xbox product marketing manager, Tao Sila.

Xbox Store Page Creates Buzz Among Hollow Knight Fans

The community of Hollow Knight enthusiasts has erupted with both excitement and speculation upon the discovery of the Silksong Xbox Store page. Tao Sila’s Twitter post, which left no room for doubts, substantiates the existence of this unexpected addition to the Hollow Knight: Silksong network of store listings.

Senior content planning manager Nick Zuclich also took to Twitter to confirm the vibrant online discussion surrounding the Xbox listing.

Historic Journey of Silksong Continues with Entry into Xbox Store

This breakthrough in Silksong’s evolving saga provides further evidence of the game’s progress in its development cycle. The original game, known for its Metroidvania-inspired gameplay and captivating universe, managed to captivate gamers worldwide. Silksong seems to be following its predecessor’s footsteps while venturing into new territories.

It’s worth mentioning that Silksong has already secured store pages on Steam, PlayStation, and Switch, making the Xbox listing a significant milestone towards its upcoming release.

ESRB Rating Heightens Fans’ Anticipation

The Xbox store page offers more than just a place for pre-ordering. Fans have also noticed the game’s assigned Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) age rating. Silksong has received an E10+ rating, the same rating bestowed upon the original Hollow Knight. While not unexpected, this significant step emphasizes the game’s progress and brings it one step closer to launch.

For further details and the most up-to-date ratings, keep an eye on the ESRB’s official website.

Connect with the Community on Reddit

For those eager to delve into the discussion surrounding Hollow Knight: Silksong and its latest Xbox Store appearance, the Reddit community has been buzzing with excitement. Join in and celebrate this new milestone with fellow fans of this beloved franchise.

A Promising Future for Hollow Knight: Silksong

Hollow Knight followers have patiently waited for Silksong’s release, and this recent development brings new hope and reaffirms the game’s continued progress. As the sequel continues to forge its path towards release, fans eagerly anticipate the next update or official announcement to keep their excitement aflame.

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