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High turnout in Châteaudun – Chartres (28000)

To reunite with the Châteaudun swimming pool, which reopened in June after fourteen months of work, the Eure-et-Loir championships brought together nearly 200 swimmers on Friday.

It had been a long time since the swimming competitions were so crowded and festive. After the covid years and the uncertainties following the closures and work in the Eurelian swimming pools, sport is gradually regaining its rights and the number of concessionaires is on the rise in the department.

This new breath was reflected on Friday with nearly 200 swimmers competing in Châteaudun for the Eure-et-Loir qualifying championships for regional events. First pitches for the youngest, this competition has also allowed the more experienced to leave their mark for the current season.

From 6 to over 70, swimmers from the Bonneval, Chartres, Châteaudun, Nogent-le-Rotrou, Vauroux and Vernouillet clubs competed in the 50, 100, 200 and 400 m. We will remember the beautiful performances of the Bonnevalais Benjamin Losay-Martin and Lola Le Cocguen, the Chartrains Ilyes Bouferrache and Charlotte Legrand, the Dunois Tom Cheneau and Audrey Bargin or even the Vernolitans Sasha Fahrner and Clara Bouquinau.

Next week all these swimmers will come together for the unmissable interclub team competition.

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