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High Number of Students Leaving School Without Certification in Thuringia: Ministry of Education Reports

Erfurt – Last year, one in ten Thuringian students finished their school career without an official certificate. This emerges from figures from the Thuringian Ministry of Education, which are available to the German News Agency. Accordingly, 1856 young adults left school without a qualification, which is 10.1 per cent of school leavers.

The Ministry of Education indicated that the figures also include those students who took courses at special schools to improve learning and personal life management and who also received a corresponding certificate. However, according to the rules of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), these are not recognized school certificates. If these students were removed from the statistics, the proportion of unqualified students would be 6.9 percent.

According to the assessment of the ministry, the high proportion nevertheless reflects the crisis of the last years. The effects of the corona pandemic are still present. There are also challenges caused by migration and the ongoing teacher shortage, a spokesperson explained. The opposition CDU accused the red-red-green state government of failing in education policy. This “is now costing our children life chances,” said CDU state leader Mario Voigt and education expert of the CDU state parliamentary group, Christian Tischner, with a party spokesman on Thursday.

On the other hand, the education policy spokesperson of the Green parliamentary group, Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, highlighted the long-term effects of the education policy of previous years as well as the high average age of teachers and the high level of illness. “In our opinion, one of the main reasons is the lack of teachers, which is still an obvious result of the de facto recruitment freeze until 2014/15,” she explained. Until the red-green coalition came to power at at the end of 2014, Thuringia was governed by CDU-led state governments, and CDU politicians were mostly education ministers.

In Thuringia, 37 schools currently receive funding from the European Social Fund, and most of them, according to the ministry, are facing particularly high levels of unqualified students. “The Head Start programme, which will start in the coming school year, also supports schools in breaking the link between social disadvantage and educational disadvantage,” said the talk

According to the data, 18,452 young people left school in the 2022/23 school year – 16,596 of them with a diploma in their pocket. 5,273 students graduated from high school – that’s 28.6 percent of all school leavers.

2024-05-09 10:21:48
#ten #people #Thuringia #leaves #school #qualification

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