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Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem Announces Victory Over Israel in Lebanon

NNA – The Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, announced in a ceremony held by the Islamic Religious Education Association in Beirut that “our sacrifices in Lebanon were noble and honorable and we offered them with sincerity, and the the face of Hezbollah. and everyone in Lebanon who supported this front said that they are with the Defense of Lebanon, supporting Gaza, and giving rights to its owners.”

He said: “Be assured that these sacrifices in Lebanon have disrupted Israel’s projects from the gate to Lebanon, not only for this stage, but for the years to come and in the future.” coming There is no longer such a thing as Israeli settlements or colonies in the south of Lebanon, and there is no longer such a thing as presidential elections in Lebanon with Israeli intervention, or Something called creating the future of raising our children with curricula decided by Israel, and Israel eliminating what it wants from these curricula, as it is in some Arab countries.”

He continued: “Our martyrs, our families, and our wounded are the source of our pride and pride, and they are the ones who make the future of Lebanon a priority until they forget what they did against them.” You tried in the past, and you got victory, and if you try now, you will get victory, and this is related to the divine promise to us.
We need to draw attention to an important topic. abilities that were able to stop their attacks and achieve great feats against the other side?! “This is a very good achievement.”

He continued: “In every war in the world, when the war ends, they study the positives and negatives and deal with the negatives for the next war we studied the positives and negatives from the first two months and we made the necessary changes until then. It is an important achievement, and this is what happened with the Mujahideen.

He concluded: “We will present our vision in southern Lebanon after a complete ceasefire in Gaza, and before that we will not present anything about what our political vision will be and how we will respond to the borders, this, God willing,. it will be presented later from the position of peers and the rightful owner, and we will be affected.”


National News Agency news continued on Radio Lebanon on 98.5, 98.1 and 96.2 FM.

2024-05-10 19:17:04
#National #News #Agency #Qassem #supporting #Gaza #created #model #region #show #vision #southern #Lebanon #ceasefire

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