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Herry Wirawan Sentenced to Life in the Rape Case of Dozens of Santriwati

Bandung, CNN Indonesia

The defendant in the rape case against a dozen students in Bandung, Harry Wirawan sentenced to life imprisonment. Herry was found guilty of molesting dozens of students until several of his students gave birth.

“The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment,” said the chairman of the panel of judges, Yohannes Purnomo Suryo Adi at the Bandung District Court, Tuesday (15/2).

Herry is considered to have violated Article 81 paragraph (1), paragraph (3), paragraph (5) jo Article 76D of Law Number 17 of 2016 on Child Protection Jo Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The court’s verdict is lighter than the public prosecutor’s demands. Previously, the prosecutor demanded that Herry be sentenced to death for molesting dozens of his students and causing some to give birth.

In addition, the prosecutor also demanded an additional sentence of chemical castration against Herry. Then a criminal penalty of Rp. 500 million and the obligation to pay restitution to the children of the victims, which totals to Rp. 330 million.

Then the prosecutor also asked the assembly to confiscate the assets of the foundation belonging to Herry Wirawan. Asset confiscation needs to be carried out considering the victims need living expenses and dependents.

Herry Wirawan has admitted all his actions towards his students. However, he argued that he had made a mistake in sexually harassing his students.

Herry also asked for leniency from the judges. He admits that as a father, he must take care of and raise his child. The man, known as the Koran teacher, already has a wife and three children.

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) does not agree with the demand for the death penalty against Herry Wirawan. Komnas HAM commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara said the sentence was against human rights principles.

“Komnas HAM does not agree with the implementation of the death penalty because it is against human rights principles,” Beka told CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (12/1).

(cozy / from)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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