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Heroic Coach Saves Father from Near Death during Football Match in London

Great fear in London. While taking part in a football match on Monday night, his father suffered a malaise in the sixth minute of play and fell down. Ali Bourfa, coach of Londerzeel SK U14s, was able to save Geert Van Praet. “Eight fathers were involved (in the game). […] We had only started for six minutes, when Geert suddenly collapsed. We walked him to the locker room and he seemed to sit up for a while, but then he collapsed again. […] He was unconscious and I couldn’t feel his pulse,” Ali said.

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With the help of other fathers, Ali tried to revive Geert Van Praet. “His tongue was bent back and when I tried to clear his airway, he collapsed in response to unconsciousness. I put his head and body in the right position and started to revive him,” said the coach. He called 112 and put his phone on speaker. “So I could restore the speed The emergency services ordered to follow it. It was very intensive. The automatic external defibrillator (AED) was brought in I was in the sensors and gave five to six blows,” Ali continued.

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Immediately, the emergency medical unit (MUG) arrives. She is taking over. Geert was stabilized and taken to hospital. The AED has become very necessary. “I would like to emphasize the importance of such an AED device. It really saves lives. I also did a recovery course. […] I still have to get over it a lot. Even the next day, everything that happened still seems very intense to me,” said Ali. The recovery lasted a total of 33 minutes.

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Geert Van Praet’s family expressed their gratitude to the coach of U14 Londerzeel SK. “I can’t thank Ali enough, on behalf of our whole family,” said his wife Inge De Ridder (46), who lives with her husband, their daughter Febe (17) and the son Rune (14), who has been playing for three seasons at Londerzeel-Saint-Joseph. We are forever grateful to his fathers. everyone who helped,” she said. The Londerzeel SK board of directors also thanked Ali. “We are very grateful to Ali, he is an example and he always is,” said board member Wim Eeckelaers. He added: “He is vital to our club. Now, even literally. Thanks thanks to Ali’s recovery, the preparation of many people in the club, and the AED, Geert’s life was saved. »

2024-05-10 23:16:47
#typical #hero #Ali #Bourfa #saves #players #life #game

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