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Here’s why you should use a toothbrush on your lips

We all know the importance of brushing your teeth after every meal. But this is not the only use for which the toothbrush is essential. You can also use it to gently clean your tongue. You will thus avoid bad breath problems. That’s all? No: this is why you should use a toothbrush on your lips.

The causes of dry lips

In these windy autumn days it is normal to find yourself with dry and chapped lips. In addition to being annoying, this problem is unsightly. We would all prefer to have soft and velvety lips rather than full of cuticles. How to avoid this problem? First, it is important to drink a lot. Taking the right amount of liquids is essential not only in summer, but also with the first cold. Especially if you are sick. Colds, fever and flu states cause dehydration, which affects the health of the lips.

Secondly, it is essential to protect the lips from atmospheric factors. The cold and the wind affect the oily layer that normally protects our mouth. Finally, also pay attention to nutrition. Deficiencies of calcium, iron and some vitamins (especially group B, C and A) contribute to dehydration of the mouth. What to do if the lips are already full of cuticles? A tool that is already in your bathroom can help. Here’s why you should use a toothbrush on your lips.

How to use the toothbrush on the lips

A lip balm and a toothbrush are enough to exfoliate dry lips and make them velvety again. Here’s how to proceed. Apply a generous layer of conditioner in the evening, before going to sleep. If you want to take advantage of it to give your lips a rosy color, try the moisturizing beet tint (who the recipe to prepare it at home). In the morning, use a wet toothbrush to gently exfoliate your lips. The important thing is that it has soft bristles. This will remove the excess conditioner along with the unsightly cuticles. If the toothbrush is too harsh for your skin, use a damp cloth instead. You can repeat this treatment every night, until your lips are of the desired softness. You will see that in no time you will have kiss-proof skin!

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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