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Here is the homemade degreaser that does not harm health and the environment!

Here is the triple homemade degreaser E! We named it this because it is Economic, Effective, Ecological! You will save on the purchase, you will have amazing results, but you will not impact the environment with the chemical and industrial versions on the market! Awesome, isn’t it? So, you are curious? let’s begin!

Here is the TRIPLE E degreaser: ingredients and preparation!

The trump card of this multipurpose cleaner is the bicarbonate of sodium!

Famous in pharmaceutical as an antidote for heartburn, it helps slow digestion. Used among the ingredients of toothpastes brighteners. It is commonly used for disinfect fruits and vegetables. It has a remarkable capacity cleaning on oil and sweat stains, apply it on fabrics before washing.
If combined with other elements with cleaning power, it gives life to one degreaser effective on every surface and on household appliances.


  • water distilled, 500 ml
  • oil essential (fragrance of your choice), 10 drops
  • detergent ecological for i dishes, 1 Teaspoon
  • bicarbonate of sodium, 1 tablespoon.

Combine all the ingredients in one spray empty, mix by shaking vigorously and you’re done!

With this mix you can also clean the sponges, the tools kitchen utensils doghouses of the litter of your furry little ones! Remember to let him act one around twenty of minutes before rinsing it, for a deep hygiene.

An equivalent discussion can also be made about the fridge. When you dedicate yourself to its cleaning, use your sprayer and this marvelous mixture with ease, with the foresight to prefer essence al lemon to defeat any unpleasant smells of fish, garlic, onion …

But there is more! With baking soda you can create emulsion of water warm e detergent for dishes and degreasing kitchen tops, fires, pots, lids, cutlery, dishes and glasses.

To clean i containers of plastic, try to dip them in a bowl with 4 tablespoons of baking soda.

Also, if you have to fight against stains obstinate on your clothes, a solution made of bicarbonate, miele e vinegar in equal parts, acts as a pre-treatment: rub it before washing. And if you want it linen shine, add the baking soda alone in the drawer of the washing machine! The result will leave you speechless!

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