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Here Gunde Svan breaks down during Superstars: “He is the godfather of our son”

Strong emotions are brought to life

In this week’s episode of “Superstars” 2023 on Kanal 5 and discovery+, one of the world’s best cross-country skiers of all time, namely Gunde Svan, is a guest. During the episode, he opens up about the man who has meant the most throughout his career.

Gunde Svan and Ferry Grill. Photo: discovery+.

A teary-eyed Gunde Svan in this week’s episode of “Superstars” 2024

In this week’s episode of Superstars 2024 i discovery+ the group receives a celebrity visit from the cross-country skiing legend In the day Swan. During a joint dinner with the other participants, Gunde opens up about the man who has meant the most to him throughout his career, namely the Austrian serviceman Ferry Grill who was always by his side.

Gunde has an impressive CV with his participation in eight Olympic races, where he won medals in six of these and in the World Cup context he has won seven gold, two silver and one bronze as well as winning the overall World Cup five times.

He has always been a perfectionist and not least when it comes to choosing the right, professional service help, that’s why he chose Ferry as his faithful squire.

Gunde Svan. Photo: discovery+.

“He is the godfather of our son”

Before Gunde’s last WC competition in Val di Fiemme, 1991, things looked bleak for Gunde. He did not have good results from the season behind him and felt that he cannot end his career that way. Then the service guy and the ranger came Ferry Grill to the rescue and gave him a new pair of skis that he had paired from two different pairs of skis and lined with 28 layers of ski wool. It was thanks to Ferry and that slide that Gunde was able to end his career with a WC gold.

– Ferry Grill has followed me throughout my skiing career and he was the one who I felt was the most passionate skier of all the skiers. He has had a very important and decisive role. It is absolutely the strongest moment for me, Gunde tells the production.

Gunde is asked how much Ferry Grill meant

– Can it be more than 100%? He is godfather to our son, whose name is Ferry. No, that gold was entirely his merit, and it wasn’t just this time, says Gunde while breaking down in tears.

Don’t miss Gunde Svan opening up in this week’s episode of “Superstars” 2024 on Kanal 5 and on discovery+.

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