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Here are how many steps per day could help prevent Alzheimer’s and depression as well as diabetes and heart disease

That movement is good for our body, especially to prevent cardiovascular diseases e diabetes, is a topic already dealt with on the ProiezionidiBorsa pages. What many don’t know, however, is that physical activity could also be good for our mental health. There confirmation comes from the Veronesi Foundation, which talks about the effects of walking on two unfortunately very widespread diseases: Alzheimer’s and depression. According to experts, constant physical exercise (even if done at a not too high pace) could have a great preventive power on these two diseases. Experts don’t just report the news, they also advise how and how much to walk to benefit the mind as well as the body.

Here are how many steps per day could help prevent Alzheimer’s and depression as well as diabetes and heart disease

In order to benefit the health of our mind, half an hour of walking a day would be enough to be able to say to carry out an effective workout. For the less accustomed, the ideal would be to start gradually: 1,000 steps for the first time, up to about 10,000. Here are how many steps per day could help prevent Alzheimer’s and depression as well as diabetes and heart disease. Especially with regard to depressive states, it would be advisable to exercise every day. This is because the habit of the gesture is an important factor from a preventive point of view. As for Alzheimer’s, however, three walks a week are already a good pace. By maintaining this frequency, according to the results of the studies, it is possible to appreciate a 50% decrease in cognitive degeneration due to this disease. The result is due to the decrease in the formation of the so-called amyloid plaques, protein heaps that interfere with neurological functions causing Alzheimer’s.

Not only walking, but these activities also help the mind

Walking is certainly the most practical physical activity to do at any age. However, it is not the only one helping our mind against Alzheimer’s and depression. All aerobic activities could benefit the mind. Among these, for example: free body gymnastics, swimming, cycling, and dance. Especially dancing seems to have significant effects on depressive states. An added value would also seem to be doing activities with someone. The company can motivate us, as well as being a great help in itself.

Therefore, physical activity is once again confirmed as a fundamental trait of an all-round healthy lifestyle. This does not mean that, on its own, it can cure the disease. At the most, it can be an important help.


Here is how many hours of physical activity per week our body needs before and after the age of 65.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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