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Hearing loss, you can recognize it by these signs

Hearing loss is often a gradual process. Sometimes people in the environment realize that someone has difficulty hearing before they themselves. You can recognize it by these signs. With yourself or with a loved one.

slow process

From the age of 30, hearing gradually deteriorates. The brain is constantly adapting to the situation, which means that it can go unnoticed for a long time. In addition, many people find it difficult to admit that their hearing is deteriorating. The medical term for hearing loss due to age is presbycusis. The age at which it starts varies and it is partly hereditary. Below we discuss some common signs of hearing loss.

Difficulty following a conversation

Hearing loss makes it more difficult to follow a conversation. What exactly is said is unclear. It is difficult to understand everything, especially in a noisy environment. Such as when several people are talking at the same time or when background noise can be heard, for example from music. As a result, people with hearing loss start to speak louder, they no longer dare to have a telephone conversation, or they turn up the volume of the television or radio.

Sounds are experienced differently

The fact that you hear some sounds just fine, while others seem too soft or too loud, has to do with frequencies. The frequency is the number of vibrations per second, expressed in Hertz. Humans hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hertz. The degree of hearing loss can be different in each frequency. In the case of hearing loss due to age, especially high-pitched voices and tones become less audible. Loud noises can even be experienced as unpleasant.


Hearing loss can be associated with ringing in the ears (tinnitus)† Additional noises can be heard, such as beeping, rustling or humming.

Poor localization of sounds

With hearing loss it is sometimes difficult to estimate where sounds come from. This is not only difficult, for example in traffic it can also lead to dangerous situations.

Fatigue and isolation

Because listening takes more effort and concentration, hearing loss can cause fatigue. There can also be frustration or stress. It can cause problems at work and when you prefer to avoid situations, such as a party.

Time for a hearing aid?

Hearing impairment due to aging is irreversible. It is impossible to predict how much your hearing will deteriorate. There is also little that can be done to influence this. You can, however, ensure that you take sufficient rest and that you do not suffer further damage, for example by protecting your hearing against noise. There are also indications that smoking increases the risk of hearing impairment. If you are dealing with 1 or more of the symptoms we have described above, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss whether a hearing test or hearing aid is an option for you.

A hearing aid can improve quality of life. They are sold and adjusted by a hearing care professional. At the age of 67 you can also see a hearing care professional without a referral from a general practitioner or ENT specialist. The general practitioner or hearing care professional can also refer you to an otolaryngologist or an audiology center if necessary, if specific adjustments to the hearing aid are required. The ENT doctor or the audiological center can measure your hearing very precisely and then provide the hearing care professional with advice. You can also contact the hearing care professional for other aids, such as a wake-up and warning system or telephone with an amplifier.

Other causes of (temporary) hearing loss

Not only does old age cause poorer hearing, there are also other things that can have an influence, such as a cold, a blocked ear due to earwax, ear infections, a ruptured eardrum, noise, calcification of the ossicles, certain medicines and heredity.

(Source: Thuisarts, Beter Horen, ENT medical center, Schoonenberg. Photo: Shutterstock)

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