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Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit, Not Many Know

Most people are familiar with coffee beans, especially for those who can’t start the day without a cup of coffee. However, there are still not many who know and consume the fruit of a plant called Latin Coffea that.

Coffee cherries or also known as coffee cherries are generally round the size of a grape. When unripe, it is green and turns dark red, reddish purple, or yellowish red when ripe.

Unlike other plants, coffee cherries are often discarded after taking the seeds.‌ In fact, modern research shows that coffee cherries have various benefits and uses for health. Let’s see one by one what are the benefits offered by coffee cherries.

1. Improve brain health

brain illustration (unsplash.com/Robina Weermeijer)

A number of studies have shown that consuming coffee cherries can help protect brain function and slow the signs of aging. Research in journals Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition conducted on 71 adults with mild mental decline found that consuming coffee berry extract for 28 days could significantly reduce reaction time.

Other studies reported in The British Journal of Nutrition 2013 showed that consuming 100 milligrams of coffee cherries increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This is a molecule in the brain associated with learning and memory. Study in International Journal of Molecular Sciences also said that coffee cherries are good for consumption by Alzheimer’s sufferers who have low BDNF.

2. Can reduce fat

5 Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit, Not Many Knowillustration of weighing (pexels.com/Andreas Ayrton)

A number of studies have shown that coffee berries and their components can reduce fat. Research from Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences showed that coffee berry extract promotes the breakdown of fat cells as well as the production of new cells.

Coffee cherries are also rich in chlorogenic acid which can help you lose weight and increase fat burning. This is proven through journals Nutrients in 2019. Consuming coffee rich in chlorogenic acid significantly reduced body and belly fat in obese people.

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3. High in antioxidants

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5 Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit, Not Many Knowcoffee fruit illustration (pexels.com/Michael Burrows)

Coffee berries are rich in antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that contribute to cell damage and chronic disease over time.

Specifically, some types of antioxidants found in coffee beans are rutin, chlorogenates, protocatechuic, and gallic acid. One small study of 20 athletes published in the journal Research in Sports Medicine found that consuming 800 milligrams of coffee fruit extract for 4 weeks increased antioxidant intake.

4. Prevent cancer

5 Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit, Not Many Knowillustration of picking coffee beans (pexels.com/Michael Burrows)

Polyphenols are forms of antioxidants found in many plants. Coffee cherries are the largest source of these substances. Polyphenols generally impart vibrant colors to fruits, berries, and vegetables, while protecting plants from a myriad of hazards, such as pathogens, oxidative damage, ultraviolet radiation, and even extreme heat.

When consumed by humans, the polyphenols in coffee will provide protection to the body, one of which is against cancer cells. According to page WebMD, These substances will prevent the formation and spread of cancer cells, especially liver and endometrial cancer.

5. Make the mood better

5 Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit, Not Many Knowhappy illustration (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

BDNF not only helps to increase intelligence, but also has a role in determining our mood. According to page Coffeesesh, higher levels of BDNF are linked to better moods and even help improve mood disorders.

In particular, coffee cherries can also reduce anxiety. However, it doesn’t act as medicine, does it. You can consume it to improve your daily mood.

If you want to consume it, coffee cherries are usually available in several forms, such as supplements or herbal teas. However, be sure to talk to your doctor first before taking this supplement.

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