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“He wanted to keep the ugly secret to himself” – Corriere.it

A gesture of great generosity a recent photo, in which the face largely hidden by the dark glasses and the mask: a further testimony of the great heart of Raffaella Carr comes from the Confraternita di Misericordia of Porto Santo Stefano, near Grosseto, who told how the presenter and singer, passed away on July 5 at the age of 78, a few weeks before his death he signed by a notary the donation of the gym where he trained at the Argentario so that the non-profit organization could use it to expand its charitable activities. A few weeks ago he called us to Rome, to his notary – recalls the governor of Misericordia, Roberto Cerulli – He called me a few days earlier saying he wanted to donate one of his properties to Misericordia in Porto S. Stefano, for our activities. We went to see it: a great gift for the real estate value. And so we met her in Rome at the notary’s. And even there his presence is characterized by hospitality, availability and sweetness. He had many talks with us and as we mentioned some kind of thanks he always misled the conversation.

On social media, the memory of Cerulli published on the page of the Confraternity accompanied by a photograph by Raffaella Carr, during the meeting with the notary: she is given a picture as a sign of thanks for her gesture. In that meeting I had for a strange presentiment – writes Cerulli -, despite his usual dynamism, he remained with dark glasses and a well-fitted mask: he seemed to want to hide something … and perhaps, in the light of this tragedy, I think he wanted to keep his ugly secret for himself and not show it to nobody.

July 11, 2021 (change July 11, 2021 | 11:16)


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