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“He has it all his life”

images security cameras make a rape report in Zaragoza remain filed. A magistrate has rejected the complaint after watching video from the nightclub cameras. The facts date back to November 2021. A young woman reported having suffered a sexual assault. The defendant, who spent the night in jail, admitted the reports spoiled but he denied the aggression.

The cameras show the before and after sexual encounter. Judge believes it does not indicate sexual assault. They consider that the girl enters convinced and does not come out crying or running away, she goes hand in hand. the magistrate filed a complaint. Marco Antonio Navarro He is the lawyer of the young man who was sued and commented on the case in ‘Espejo Público’.

Navarro says that the young man is better now but that he denounces him “He has it all his life.” He points out that he is very young, approx 21 years. “May this happen to you and see you immersed in a judicial process for no less than a crime of sexual violence, which was from 4 to 12 years in prison, is now rested but has it forever”, remarks the lawyer .

The complaint was rejected

The defense of the young man studying lawsuits against the girl who accused him of sexual assault. “He deserves a legal reproach,” says Marco Antonio Navarro. He is surprised that the complainant’s defense has not filed an appeal because “it is something that is usually done all the time”. “I thought I would end up appealing both in reform and on appeal in court.”

Navarro’s opinion is that “if he has not regretted the facts of having relations with a stranger, it is that if not, it is not good for me”. He argues that the claim “very little supported” providing information: “She said they got her drunk because they invited her to shoot.” The lawyer exclaimed after “I saw the tapes and was invited to shoot”.

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