Home » today » News » Hautes-Pyrénées: Lannemezan hospital recognized as a competence center for Lyme disease

Hautes-Pyrénées: Lannemezan hospital recognized as a competence center for Lyme disease

For several years, Lannemezan hospital has been identified for the care of patients with vector-borne tick-borne diseases, such as Borreliosis, more commonly known as Lyme disease.

A few months ago, he applied to be one of the five reference centers for vector-borne tick-borne diseases created by the government, but was not selected.

On the other hand, it becomes a hospital competence center, with a regional level of recourse for complex cases, as confirmed to us by the regional health agency Occitanie, this Thursday, January 2, 2020. The infectiology service can accommodate patients with symptoms attributed to a tick-borne disease, the management of which has not produced satisfactory results.

CCMVTs (centers of competence for vector-borne tick-borne diseases) do not receive specific funding, unlike referral centers which have an interregional level of recourse for very complex cases and benefit from an envelope specific budget.

In Occitania, there are now 4 CCMVTs:

  • the Montpellier University Hospital (34)
  • the Nîmes teaching hospital (30)
  • the CH of Lannemezan (65)
  • the CH of Perpignan (66)

In Lannemezan, Dr. Raouf Ghozzi, who is already following several hundred patients with Lyme disease, is the referent in the territory now covered by the hospital, namely the Hautes-Pyrénées, Toulouse, Gers and Ariege.-

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