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Hand: Lola Poisson returns to Arques-la-Bataille

Goalkeeper of the Entente Nord Féminin 76, Lola Poisson went to Dijon for her studies. She spent confinement in Arques where she found family and friends with disabilities.

Posted on May 25, 20 at 2:08 p.m.

Long goalkeeper of the Entente Nord Féminin 76, Lola Poisson now studies and plays hand in Dijon, but has not forgotten her roots. (© DR)

On this Friday, May 22, Lola Poisson turned 21 Arques-la-Bataille in the midst of his family and friends.

It was not really planned, but the health crisis decided otherwise.

Indeed, the one who was the goalkeeper for a long timeNorth Women Agreement 76 and beforeEs Arques left the region to continue his studies in Dijon and his returns to Normandy are rare.

So Lola Poisson joins the useful to the pleasant by spending time with her loved ones while continuing to work since she has just started a practical internship.

Football to start

In the Poisson family, we play a lot of handball and yet Lola first practiced another sport:

I have long played soccer with the boys in Dieppe. At the same time, since my mother and aunt played handball, I came to the ES Arques grass tournament in principle just to help. However I was asked to play when he missed someone and I agreed, starting on the field first before quickly becoming a goalkeeper. It’s a difficult job, but one that I really like because there is a question of challenge and it is often played out in morale.

Thus, Lola Poisson has become over the years an essential goalkeeper first with ES Arques in the youth categories then in theArques Saint-Nicolas Agreement and then the North Feminine Agreement 76.

Always attentive to successive coaches, she has progressed a lot to the point of being an essential player who often tipped the scales and became regularly decisive in the last minutes of the match.

She was thus rewarded by winning a Golden husky in 2018.

However, she had to leave ENF76 for a very simple reason:

I am not angry far from it and I am even still in contact with most of my former partners. I will never forget that it was at ES Arques that I experienced great sporting moments, but I had to leave for my studies. I got in touch with a dozen business schools and it was the one in Dijon that I liked the most and that I chose. You should know that I would like to work in culture or in events.

She played handball like this with her school, also being a member of the sports bureau, but this is not where she will have the most pleasure:

In fact, in this school, sport is compulsory so that there were only three of me on my team who had already played handball. So it was complicated and we didn’t win a lot of matches. We even made long trips to Grenoble or Reims to come back with very heavy penalties and scores even if I stopped many shots. We had to deal with it.

Aim high with Longvic

In parallel, Lola Poisson looked for a hand club which she found in Longvic and the atmosphere appeals to him a lot:

It’s a bit family like in Arques and we get along well. Longvic had a team in National 3 and one in Prenational. I did all the preparation with the Nationale 3 group and it went very well in training and friendly matches. However, there were already two goalies who were there before me, so I played in the Prenational. I have fond memories of this season as we were third at the time of the stoppage with matches to play that could have made it possible to finish even higher. It may be for next season since I will be staying there because there are a lot of young people and a great atmosphere.

Very well integrated into her new team, Lola Poisson has achieved great performances.

Thus in 2020, it has practically never conceded more than ten goals per match, completing the last meetings with less than five goals conceded! and so she’s pretty proud of it.

In study at Dijon for four years, she will therefore still be laid off at Longvic next season and she knows that the leaders are quite ambitious:

It should be interesting because the pennant team will target the climb to National 2 and the reserve the climb to National 3. I therefore hope to contribute to the good journey regardless of the team where I play.

Read also: Hand: Valentin Glatigny leaves Dieppe to play in Nationale 2

Since the shutdown, Lola Poisson has not played hand, but has kept in shape with a lot of muscle building.

At the same time, she has just started an internship withBach Academy ; after a start in teleworking, she should join the premises to prepare events within the framework of the Bach Academy.

His internship will be quite intense until August 31 and then it will soon be back to school on September 14, for school and for the hand.

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