Home » today » World » Hamas Orders Mobilization of Arabs Worldwide Against Israel; Rising Concerns of Anti-Israel Protests and Safety Advisory Issued by US and EU

Hamas Orders Mobilization of Arabs Worldwide Against Israel; Rising Concerns of Anti-Israel Protests and Safety Advisory Issued by US and EU


The Palestinian armed faction Hamas issued an order to mobilize all Arabs around the world against Israel.

As concerns grow that anti-Israel and anti-American protests will intensify around the world, the United States has issued a personal safety advisory to its citizens, and anti-terrorism and anti-immigration voices are growing in the European Union.

This is Jongsu Lee.


Thousands of citizens demonstrated in support of Palestine in the Gaza Strip in the Yemeni capital, south of Saudi Arabia.

In Paris, France, demonstrators holding up Palestinian flags held a demonstration in support, chanting to liberate the Gaza Strip.

A rally in support of Palestine was also held in front of the Israeli Embassy in the South American capital of Chile.

As protests in support of Palestine are spreading like wildfire around the world, the political leader of Hamas issued a general mobilization order to Arabs and Muslims and urged them to protest against Israel.

[이스마일 하니예 / 하마스 지도자 : 모든 아랍과 이슬람 국가의 국민이 거리로 나와 이번 대학살과 잔혹한 범죄를 비난하고 나서길 촉구합니다.]

As anti-Israel protests in Lebanon and Iran spread into anti-American demonstrations under the slogan “Death to America,” the United States issued a personal safety advisory to citizens living abroad.

[매튜 밀러 / 미 국무부 대변인 : 전 세계 곳곳에서 긴장이 고조돼 해외에 있는 미국민들에게 주의보를 발령했습니다.]

After the surprise attack by Hamas, there were casualties from Islamic extremist terrorist acts in France and Belgium, and a Hamas mobilization order was issued, raising voices against terrorism and anti-immigration in Europe.

[일바 요한슨 / 유럽연합 내무담당 집행위원 : 유럽연합을 테러로부터 안전하게 지키는 것이 절대적으로 필요합니다.]

Meanwhile, a summit is scheduled to be held in Cairo with UN Secretary-General Guterres, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunnack, the German delegation, the President of Egypt and other major Middle Eastern countries attending.

The summit is expected to discuss ways to bring in humanitarian relief supplies from Egypt through the Rafah checkpoint in southern Gaza, Palestine, and measures to protect against civilian casualties.

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Video Editing: Lee Young-hoon

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#Hamas #orders #global #mobilization.. #antiterrorism #antiimmigration #escalation
2023-10-20 15:01:00

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