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Hamas Gunmen Terrorize Music Festival Attendees in Tel Aviv, Israel: Eyewitness Accounts and Horrific Scenes

Attendees of a music festival were surrounded by terrorists who attacked them “from four or five places” and started shooting at the fleeing

Tel Aviv, Israel08 Oct. 2023, 14:12 25923 read 0 comments

An Israeli woman has described the terrifying moment Hamas gunmen stormed a dance festival and began shooting at everyone they saw as people ran for their lives.

Terrified Gilly Yoskovich hid behind a tree, shaking in fear, for three hours as bullets whizzed around her after terrorists opened fire Saturday morning on defenseless attendees of a rave festival held overnight near Kibbutz Reim, near The Gaza Strip.

The mother described how young people who had come to celebrate the end of the religious holiday of Sukkot, which had turned into a real nightmare, were dying all around her as Hamas fighters went from tree to tree shooting everyone they saw.

When the gunmen opened fire, Gilly ran for her life and hid under a fruit tree in the middle of the field, where she remained until she heard people speaking Hebrew and was rescued by Israeli soldiers.

I saw people die everywhere. I was very quiet. I didn’t cry, I didn’t do anything,” she told BBC .

“I… breathed, saying to myself, ‘Okay, I’m going to die. It’s okay, just breathe, just close your eyes“, she adds.

Footage has emerged showing festival-goers seemingly oblivious to the impending terror coming at them from hundreds of meters away.

The terrorists used hang gliders to remain undetected

The footage, taken shortly after sunrise, shows the cameraman suddenly zooming in, revealing the gray dots in the distance to be Palestinian fighters.

Hamas fighters were able to infiltrate Israel almost undetected thanks to paragliders across the heavily guarded border.

Moments later the dancing stops and horror ensues as festival goers are forced to run for their lives because Hamas gunmen start shooting and kidnapping anyone who gets in their way.

Partygoers have been surrounded as the terrorists attacked them “from four or five places” and started shooting at the fleeing ones.

Gilley described the horror of people dying around her and said: “They were going tree to tree and shooting. Everywhere. From two sides. I saw people die everywhere. I was very quiet. I didn’t cry, I didn’t do anything.

I heard how Hamas fighters open a ‘big van’ to get more weapons. The terrorists remained in the area for three hours, almost closing in on Gili within arm’s reach.

Gilly lay on the ground and thought of her children, telling herself that “it is not time for her to die yet.” But the “craziest thing,” she says, was how they were there for hours without the army coming to help.

“Then I began to hear some Hebrew on one side, [но] Arabic on all three sides. I realized there were a few soldiers, maybe five or six.

I decided to go to these soldiers. Meanwhile, there were still terrorists around, so I walked with my hands up so they knew it was me and not a terrorist. Then someone put me in a car.

I was the first to escape the nightmare of the field. Others took another two or three hours to leave. There were dead people all along the way, young peopleit was a festival for young people,” says Gilley.

A video shows how a red siren warns people of impending doom, then panic sets in among the crowd.

“It (the siren) caused chaos, especially among vehicles trying to get out,” explained a festival-goer named Daniel.

“Then the shots started and we had to start running,” says Daniel.

The siren was quickly silenced by gunshotswhen heavily armed Hamas fighters arrived and the terrorist group began its attack on Israel, which has so far killed hundreds and injured thousands.

The videos posted on social media, albeit of poor quality, show scenes of mayhem amidst the outdoor partyreports The Jerusalem Post.

Panicked Israelis could be seen screaming, running and trying to hastily get into cars in an attempt to escape the festival in the northwestern Negev desert, about 5 miles from the town of Ofakim.

“Palestinian terrorists stormed a festival where hundreds of Israelis were camping for the Shimini Atzeret holiday. The panic caused by this is evident on the pale ones [лица] of civilians attacked by heavily armed extremists. Pray for Israel,” the video is captioned.

A second video from the same location shows hundreds of Israelis running for cover and countless others moving in crowded cars across the dusty ground.

“Israelis are fleeing the cities into the deserts on foot, in cars and by every other means,” reads the sign.

One of the victims of the attack is the 30-year-old German tattoo artist Shani Luk.

Her lifeless and semi-naked body was placed in the back of a Hamas pickup truck and the movement’s fighters made fun of it.

Luk was photographed straddling the back of the pick-up truck with one leg in an unnatural position. The terrorists sat around him, and other supporters of the group applauded them and spat on the body.

Hamas claimed the body was that of a female Israeli soldier, but last night it was confirmed to be Shani by her cousin Thomasina Weintraub-Luk, who told DailyMail.com the family recognized her by distinctive tattoos on her legs and hair.

Her mother Ricarda released a heartbreaking video asking for help to find out what happened to her daughter. Holding a photo of Shani on her mobile phone, she said: “This morning my daughter, Shani Nicole Luk, a German citizen, was kidnapped with a group of tourists in southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas.

They sent us a video where I could clearly see our daughter unconscious in the car with the Palestinians and them driving around the Gaza Strip.

Please send us help or news. Thank you very much,” says the woman.

The tragedy comes as Palestinian militants launched their most brutal assault in 50 years on Saturday in unprecedented land, sea and air attacks – even using hang gliders to avoid detection.

In a coordinated, multi-pronged attack, Palestinian terrorists crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip, overran settlements and captured and killed civilians celebrating a Jewish holiday.

There are fears that dozens of people have been abducted directly from the street and taken to Gaza or simply killed on the spot.

The music festival attended by Shani was one of the first places attacked by the terrorist group, with reports suggesting that dozens were killed on the spot and others taken hostage by the militants.

In a second video widely shared on social media, a woman can be seen screaming “Don’t kill me!” as she is being driven away on a motorcycle by a gunman.

The Mail on Sunday has learned that she is Noa Argamani, 25, a student who was captured at the same outdoor festival she attended with her boyfriend near the border.

Ester Borokhov, who fled the rave party, said she survived by playing dead in a car after the driver trying to help her escape was shot at point-blank range.

Translation and editing: BLITZ


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2023-10-08 11:12:08
#Israeli #woman #played #dead #hours #Islamists #killed #put #corpse #halfnaked #girl #pickup #truck #her.. #VIDEO

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